much as i hate to do this, at the same time, i’m that close to obtaining a free ipod, or so they claim, so forgive me if you’re offended by things like this, but i’ve got to see how far they’ll really go…

there’s this site that claims to be giving away free iPods (i haven’t seen mine yet, but they’re reporting it on TV as a genuine offer, so it’s either a genuine offer or they’ve pulled the wool over more peoples’ eyes than just me)…

all you have to do is join and complete an online offer (which means submitting your email address to thousands of potential spammers, so be sure to use a throw-away email address), and then refer friends to do the same (like what i’m doing now). i know it’s verging on spam, but bear with me, okay?

to help me get my iPod, click this exact link to join, or copy and paste it into a browser: http://www.freeipods.com/?r=12545079

have fun and beware of spam. who knows… i may actually get a free ipod out of the deal.

3 thoughts on “93”

  1. Thanks for coming over the other night, I hope you enjoyed yourself, we sure enjoyed having you here (did I say enjoyed too much?). (Smile). I finished wiping my system and re-installed the Windows 2000, I also used your great advice and downloaded “Shoot the Messenger”. Everything seems to be working much much better now.

    You’re a very interesting and (enjoyable-ha ha) person. Would love to meet your wife, will she be at the feast? See ya later.

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