satanic christians
jesus was a loser
the poor

i’m so fucking frustrated with the whole thing that i can’t even type straight… which means that this is taking even longer than it would otherwise. of course, once it’s typed nobody will recognise that, which is even more frustrating.

for those who can’t be bothered to actually read more than one web site, dominionism is a “militant post-millennial eschatology which pictures the seizure of earthly power by the church as the only means through which the world can be rescued”… and, by logical extension, if that earthly power isn’t seized by the church, then the world will continue it’s “downward spiral” into chaos, madness, and, potentially, islam. no matter that the world will continue to exist, it will be so emmeshed in evil and hatred (which means “no war” and “equality for everyone”) that we won’t be able to get anything done…

meanwhile, donny rumsfeld is under scrutiny for not caring enough about the troops that are already over there “fighting for freedom” that he’s not providing them with adequate body armour, and signing letters of condolence to families of troops killed with a “rubber stamp” (“but there’s so many of them, and i’ve got so many more important things to do”), more prisoner abuse has surfaced, which the government says will be “thoroughly investigated” (meaning they’re trying extra hard to sweep it under the rug as quickly as possible, in the hope that if it’s “investigated” quickly enough, nobody will notice that these muslim “terrorists” that are being abused are just as human as the rest of us), and the president’s approval rating has fallen below 50% one month after his election – THE FIRST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY to have that happen.

meanwhile, there are still homeless people around the world, there are still sick people who don’t have any way of paying for necessary medications and hospitalisation, there are still orphaned children with nobody to take care of them, there are still people who don’t have any means of supporting themselves and nobody seems to care about these things. they (YOU) are so caught up in the “war on” terror, or drugs, or whatever, and they (YOU) are so caught up in their materialistic fanasies that they (YOU) don’t even seem to notice these things at all. ALL of these things could be adequately addressed by application of 10% of the current budget that’s being spent, instead, on war in iraq, war in afghanistan, war on drugs, war on terrorism… in short, WAR!

one thing is for sure… there won’t be a “christmas truce” this year (like there was in world war I). i wonder how many innocent civilians will be killed on christmas because “terrorists” hate our “freedom”? i wonder if it’s even possible any more for individual people to say “that’s enough,” to go and make friends with the “enemy,” and dispense with war all together. it’s too bad that it wasn’t more permanent 100 years ago, because if it were, we’d be looking at a totally different society today. one in which there are no homeless, sick, orphaned, out of work people anywhere!

i had a performance last night. before my performance, i went out to buy a single present for a family member. it took me an hour and a half to drive less than 10 miles to and from (thus making me late for my performance), because of people who are hung up on the wrong message. they can’t seem to get it through their heads that they WON’T HAVE this kind of “xmas” much longer because it will all come crashing down around them when the “war” on terror finally comes to their doorstep.

my whole life i’ve heard the “peace on earth, good will towards mankind” message, but, oddly enough, i’ve only heard this kind of message around xmas time… the rest of the year, it seems like the message is “peace and good will to people who are “christian” and to hell with everyone else” (or, as one LJ user put it, “christmas is a time for giving and loving and snow and happiness and if you don’t stop trying to ruin it i am going to kick your ass”). it’s kind of amusing, in a sick and twisted sort of way. like the people who say it are just parroting what their parents have parroted to them. nobody pays attention when someone refuses to go back into combat because it’s combat, in spite of the fact that there have been at least two such cases in the past year… as long as it’s not xmas, almost everybody is either willing to go, or votes for the guy who lied to get us into the war in the first place, while people like me are left wondering where our next mortgage payment is coming from.

i could write for hours, but i’ve got to go to my “random” job search log review, a lovely conflagration in which i sit and listen to information i’ve heard at least three times before, being read from powerpoint slides (with trendy, eye-catching “clip art”) for an hour and a half, and then spend another half an hour waiting in line to have some flunky at the unenjoyment office check to make sure i’ve really been keeping track of the jobs i said i applied for (i know it’s “random”, because it says so on the computer printed form letter they mailed to me), otherwise i won’t be getting any more unemployment benefits… a lovely way to be looking at “xmas”… 8/

i hope everyone has a “merry xmas”.

3 thoughts on “MEH!”

  1. Brilliant and passionate. That sounds like a newspaper movie review. But seriously. I appreciate the time and energy you put into producing this peice of writing.

  2. I did read all the rest of your post and I fully agree with you, you’re always so good at putting things. I have for many many years hated the way our government refuses to be accountable for government spending and when things don’t get voted-in for more taxation the government cuts the social program spending, that ends up hurting the elderly and disabled who cannot go out and work for decent money to better their lives. They don’t do this because of a lack of money, they do this to hurt the people so more and more taxes with get voted in. Xmas has become another political and economic ploy to pull more and more money out of peoples pockets and into the hands of those who live in big mansions with tons of servants who never get paid enough for their work. Every holiday is being used for this same purpose. There is plenty of money already in our government, with or without the war, but it is being sloppily spent and never being accounted for. If the money was correctly being accounted and the slush spending stopped, we could actually have our taxes lowered quite a lot and still support the country with no problem at all. My friend Mary (who is 80 years old) says it this way: “All of us women should take our brooms to the White House and other government buildings, start at the top, sweep everyone out, bring in a lot of good housewives to take over and re-do our whole system”. We need to listen to our people, not to the big shots who have exploded their brains with greed and materialism. There have been too many people lost to the arena of non-realism, our world cannot survive unless the real people begin to gather together and re-create things the right way. Mistakes will be made, yes, but they can also be corrected along the way instead of being covered up, ignored, and purposely swept under the rug. I also hate the way our men are dying over there and the way their people are dying, it isn’t necessary. Our government must be made to stop it’s terrorist behaviors that started all of this in the first place. WE ARE THE BAD GUYS, here. Wake the fuck-up people. HOW MUCH LONGER WILL WE ALLOW OUR GOVERNMENT TO GO ON PULLING ALL THIS CRAP???

  3. I apologize, I didn’t get a chance yet to read your full post, I’ve been working on stuff for taking to my daughter’s house for dinner tomorrow, doing laundry, getting some of the food ready for Saturday dinner here with Fred, myself and another friend. I just finished up loading whatever I could onto my scooter and put the clean clothes away. I’ve worked on it all day and I’m dead tired and will go to bed after I post this. What I read is just as awful as I’ve found this country to be for several generations, lately. I knew that our country was pulling a super lot of shit and covering it up, or sweeping it quickly under the rug. Our government are the instigators, not the victims. We pull crap then when other countries try to stand up against us we claim foul and go after them full force. Our country is what starts most all the shit but tries to brainwash us into thinking we live in such a “great country”. Then on top of it all, look at how little our own country does for our own citizens who become elderly or disabled who have worked and paid taxes into this country their whole lives. This is how irate I am, even when I’m dead tired, just wait until I have the energy to really let out what I think. I’ll do that on my own journal though. Take care my friend.

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