good news/bad news…

bad news is that we’ve still not found out the closing date on our new house, which means that we’re going to have to spend a week or two living in a 35 foot motorhome in bothell (known by the people who live there as “butt-hell”). and there’s still the remote possibility that the financing won’t go through at all, which will mean a “slightly longer” stay in “butt-hell”…

good news is that i (finally) got a job. i start wednesday at minuteman press in bellevue, on 130th, very close to where i used to work when i worked at software dot com, before it got swallowed by openwave.

by the way, happy no pants day… and regardless of what some people think, i’m wearing my oh-so-trendy utilikilt and wondering why i don’t wear it more often. next we should think about having a no pants month… 8)

11 thoughts on “176”

  1. i got a utilikilt because i needed it as a part of my costume for Big Bois With Poise, which is one of the acts in the cirque de flambé in which i perform… and utilikilts have pockets… 8)

  2. Grazie. I plan on getting a Utilikilt eventually, although I never have enough money to spare when the local Celtic festival is in operation (and I hate ordering stuff online.) And at some point I intend to buy a few yards of some cheapo Madras plaid, for a proper Indonesian mens’ sarong. Pants generally annoy me, even though they do have the useful feature of pockets.

  3. hey there! just curious to know where you found my journal from.

    happy no pants day! i totally forgot it was today, but i work with children and worked today so i dont think it would have gone over too well.

  4. Congratulations on obtaining the job. Money is a useful tool to have around. Hopefully you can use this for as long as you need before spinning yourself into something more likt what you want.

  5. it’s gonna be good, ’cause much as i hate to admit it, we could use the income… but it’s gonna play hell with my performance schedule this summer… and fall… and… 8P

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