blaugh… after spending almost an hour crafting this post, for some reason livejournal decided not to post it anyway, and now i’ve got to see if i can craft it again without losing my train of thought… 8/

i’ve decided to moderate the posts in because of the profusion of ads for other communities, encouragement to donate money, secular poetry, artwork, and random blurbs that belong in somebody’s blog, but not in a community about sivaism… i also updated the community information page to reflect this. i did it because i want to be a place where people can come with questions, answers and experiences related to sivaism, without having to sift through a bunch of other stuff. i am not saying this stuff shouldn’t be posted, but it should not be posted in a community about sivaism… i’m definitely not doing this to pick on any individual person…

however , a member of , is now pissed off because i rejected her post about a wall calendar that she is selling on cafepress, which didn’t have word one about siva in it at all… now she claims that the artwork in this calendar is related to sivaite experiences she had in the alps, and she’s dejected because it’s all her fault, i’ve insulted her, all she wants to do is become a rich and famous artist, and i’m standing in her way

admittedly, now that i look at it, most of the random blurbs, secular poetry and so forth were, indeed, coming from , but i’m not doing this specifically to pick on . i suppose i should expect things like this being the moderator of a community – you can’t please everyone, but that’s why she has her own blog – so that if you don’t want to look at random blurbs that don’t concern you, you don’t have to.

now, to more frivolous stuff…

anybody remember TENEX? the first email is 34 years old now, and the @ sign is a common everyday occurance, but there was once when we were not being bombarded by spam on a regular basis. if you want to know who to kill…

this is a floccinaucinihilipilificatious post.

did you know that idi amin played the accordion? did you know that louis farrakhan was a calypso singer? the world is full of bizarre things like this…

manties – i’m not sure whether to be intrigued or disgusted…

jesus monster truck ministries – i’m not sure whether to be intrigued or disgusted…

i gave a button that says “I AM A TERRORIST!” to this person yesterday. she said that her web site wasn’t very exciting, and she was right. if any of the rest of you want buttons, magnets or stickers that say "I AM A TERRORIST!"