Herp Derp

5 thoughts on “261”

  1. As far as the blasphemous jokes, all I really though of was some uncomplementary comment on a lingam as long as it is wide… As far as Hinduism and blasphemy, though, I imagine that some of those ultra-right-wing Hindutva types, the kind that killed Mahatma Gandhi, would probably be nearly as touchy as the touchiest monotheists…

  2. it’s a kosher (i don’t know that hinduism has a term that can be used in the way “kosher” can) narmada sivalingam if it’s made from cryptocrystalline chalcedony and is naturally shaped by the narmada river. i’m not sure of either, although it definitely looks like it’s the correct material, and i’ve seen all sorts of different shapes, from almost needle-like to practically spherical, that have had authentic provenance, so there’s a pretty good chance that it’s authentic. and besides, for $10 i’m really not that particular… 8)

    where are the blasphemous/obscene jokes? i wanna hear ’em! one of the reasons i decided on hinduism is because they don’t have an equivalent to “blasphemous”… the best hindu teachers i’ve known have taken great delight in not only asking questions that other religions would find blasphemous, but answering them as well. i’d like to see a “christian” do that!

  3. Neat, but is it a kosher (sorry, I don’t know the Hindu term) lingam if it’s spherical? (cue blasphemous and obscene jokes…)

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