finally some questions from the ask przxqgl anything poll that i posted a few weeks back…

— What is The Meaning of Life?

didn’t you read the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Universe? the answer is 42.

personally, i believe that the real answer is 23, but that’s my personal opinion…

— Are chemtrails real or just something for people who want to believe in a conspiracy that they can see proof of by looking no farther than the sky?

i see them, therefor they are real. personally i believe that they’re caused by high-altitude aircraft of some kind, and have observed such phenomenon, complete with resulting chemtrails, on a number of occasions… but, as with just about everything that i perceive, especially these days, it’s a matter of interpretation.


List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal along with your seven songs, then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.

1. So – Tom Zé, The Best of Tom Zé
2. Cortina 3 – Tom Zé, The Hips of Tradition
3. Stuck On You – The Residents, The King and Eye
4. Life Would Be Wonderful – The Residents, Demons Dance Alone
5. Tourniquet Of Roses – The Residents, Fingerprince
6. He Also Serves – The Residents, Our Finest Flowers
7. Why Don’t You Like Me? – Frank Zappa, Broadway The Hard Way

2. any other user who is on my friends list who wants to do this, since the last time i tried this i only got one response anyway.