moe’s purse was stolen from the dog agility arena the other day. she got her credit cards cancelled, but only after whoever stole them tried to use them twice. and the dog agility arena is in a remote enough location that it was very likely one of her students that stole it. she still hasn’t gotten her driver’s license replaced, and social security is being really annoying about the whole thing: they give you a number that you are supposed to use as a formal form of identification, that the local law enforcement drones say you have to be able to prove at a moment’s notice… and then they say that they recommend you not carry your social security card with you (which is exactly the opposite of what the police say), and they don’t take any responsibility for helping you get things sorted out if someone steals it. they say that if someone steals your social security card that you are supposed to “keep an eye” on your social security earnings to see if someone else is reporting earnings, and you are supposed to notify the credit reporting agencies so they won’t just automatically approve credit without “checking with you” first, but you’ve got to do all of this stuff… it’s not something that social security can do for you, despite the fact that they’re the ones that issued the number to you in the first place… 8/ and they won’t issue you a new social security number under any circumstances… as though there are a limited number of combinations or something…
and the guy showed up and opened up my car… $141 dollars later, and $17 for the duplicate keys, i’ve already far overspent for this month…
merry x-mas…
unlucky! i don’t think we have such crucial systems in place in the UK. our National Insurance number is similar to your social security number and problems with false reporting just haven’t appeared yet.
although NI number (you get a 16), bank account number, forces serial number, stuff like that is memorable even with a brain injury. just don’t ask me my mobile phone number as i don’t tend to call myself 🙂
if one of her own students did it, that really sucks. random crime y anonymous people doesn’t have the same after effects, where you have to see these people all the time and not know which one of them it was. make sure some support is offered whenever she feels down or wants to avoid coming into contact with the likely suspect(s)