this is the reason why the laws regarding ownership of intellectual property (specifically music) need to be trashed and re-vamped. i’ve been searching for copies of “Care,” “Big Night Music” and “Jam Science” by Shriekback, but can’t find them. apparently, according to discogs, “Jam Science” is rare because it was never approved for release by the band, and the only place i’ve been able to find it wants $45 for it… i’ve found a copy of “Big Night Music” on ebay that’s currently at $15.50, but it has 3 more days before the auction ends, and there are no shriekback torrents on mininova or isohunt or seedler. at this point, i’m at a loss for where else to look. i don’t even necessarily want the CDs, but the music on them would be good, and, because of the fact that the laws are such as they are, i am unable to find music that was good when it first came out, and even better now because it has so little to compare to.



SIGN SENATOR BARBARA BOXER’S PETITION TO STOP SHRUBBY’S ILLEGAL WIRETAPPING — nixon resigned amid allegations of illegal wiretapping, it’s time we encourage shrubby to do the same!

Congressman John Conyers has introduced three new pieces of legislation aimed at censuring President Bush and Vice President Cheney, and at creating a fact-finding committee that could be a first step toward impeachment. PETITION YOUR CONGRESS MEMBER TO SUPPORT THESE BILLS

Michigan congressman says he’s OK with spy program
WASHINGTON A congressman from Michigan says he’s O-K with the Bush administration’s use of warrantless spying techniques.
The comment from Holland Republican Pete Hoekstra comes amid revelations that the administration bypassed a secretive US court that governs terrorism wiretaps.

Hoekstra is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

He says he participated in at least six briefings on the spying program since August 2004.

Hoekstra said he is comfortable that the surveillance was aimed at al-Qaida terrorists and people associated with al-Qaida inside the US.

hurry it up, people! your senators and congresspeople are gullible fools who will go with the crowd! if “We, The People Of The United States” say take emperor shrub junior and his cronies out of office, they’re a lot more likely to take them out than they would be if we do nothing!

“Are there no secret prisons? If the poor would rather die than go there, then they’d better hurry up and do it and decrease the surplus population!” Ebeneezer Cheney says “Fuck the poor. Hard.” cheney casts the deciding vote to do just that.

George Bush is using the National Security Agency to conduct surveillance on American citizens without the consent of any court. After initially refusing to confirm the story, the President has admitted to personally overseeing this domestic spying program for years.

These actions are explicitly against the law. But the administration says that other laws somehow allow for this unprecedented use of a foreign intelligence agency to spy on Americans right here in the United States. According to reports, political appointees in the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel wrote still-classified legal opinions laying out the supposed justification for this program.

Governor Howard Dean is filing a formal demand that they release these documents. You can add your name to a Freedom of Information Act request.

A vet speaks out about Bush
Dec 30, 2005, 06:34

Tim Abbott is a Vietnam veteran who lives in the Southwestern Virginia town of Hillsville, a conservative, blue-collar community that tends to vote Republican and bleed red, white and blue.

But, like an increasing number of veterans, Abbott is fed up with President George W. Bush.

“Bush talks a lot about freedom, courage, transparent government and the rule of law. He talks,” Abbott says. “His speeches are carefully choreographed before audiences of his faithful — often Christian fundamentalists or, to paraphrase Bush, Christian-fascists — and they must sign loyalty oaths to Bush. He speaks before audience after audience of soldiers and sailors who cannot speak except as directed by the White House.”

Normally, such comments would be risky in a mountain town where Patriotism rules supreme but Abbott expressed his views this week in an op ed article for The Roanoke Times and found many people agreeing with him.

“When I think of Bush, I do not think of liberty and courage, compassion and justice. No, I think of arrogance, greed and lies,” Abbott wrote. “He is a thug, a buffoon and a coward. Not only is he incompetent, he is corrupt.”

In normal times, these would be fighting words and Abbott would do well to avoid lunch at the Hillsville Diner, the Main Street eatery where the locals gather to discuss politics. But George W. Bush’s times are not normal times and Abbott is greeted warmly on the streets of Hillsville.

“In his Mission Accomplished foray, (Bush) wore a military uniform, something no president has done since Washington, and Washington only wore the uniform to quell a rebellion,” Abbott says. “Around the world he has replaced the Soviet Gulag with the Bush Gulag, where men may be tortured.”

Abbott’s comments come when this web site revealed that the Pentagon has ordered soldiers home from Iraq for holiday leave to give pro-war interviews to their hometown newspapers and television station. This does not surprise a veteran who learned about military duplicity in Vietnam.

“Others before whom he speaks may ask no questions. He runs from journalists, as we have seen in China, even on those rare occasions that he speaks before them,” Abbott says of Bush. “Even worse, he has paid journalists to say good things about him and his policies. He also produces propaganda from government offices that he offers as news reports. And any protests against his policies are diverted well away from his sight and hearing.”

In recent weeks, I’ve spoken with dozens of vets of Vietnam, Desert Storm and the present invasion of Iraq and most speak with anger towards Bush and his policies.

Soldiers serve under a code of honor, something they say Bush lacks.

“Bush is of a kind with the dictators; a strutting, sanctimonious buffoon who talks democracy but acts like Saddam Hussein,” Abbott says. “Bush might differ in degree from Hussein, not having been in power as long, but in behavior, with torture and the corruption of government, they are of a kind.

“While al-Qaida is an enemy of the values and principles of the United States and Western civilization and must be confronted, it can do no more than kill people and destroy property.

“Bush can subvert our principles and institutions. He is the greater enemy.”

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