by John in DC – 1/02/2006 02:56:00 PM
Tinky Winky, Lenny the shark, and SpongeBob SquarePants move on over. The next child icon caught promoting the homosexual agenda is none other than BARBIE!!
Here is a list of known Toon homosexuals to date:

The religious right is now attacking Barbie for promoting “gender confusion.” According to the men at the Concerned Women for America, Barbie is urging kids to go bi:
“This is directed at children aged four to eight… that’s a really young age to be directing something along the lines of bisexuality.”
Yes, Barbie is making four year olds want to have sex with other four year olds of the same gender. And the Concerned Men would prefer that children have sex with four year olds of the opposite gender, I guess.
What’s really going on here is that the religious right has been attacking Mattel for months, just like they went after Ford and Microsoft and Allstate and Kraft and every other major American company. This is just another way for them to attack Mattel and get Mattel to do something bigoted to make amends.
But claiming that Barbie is promoting bisexuality to four year olds, that’s just whacked.
PS They also attack Barbie for not being a good Christian because good Christian girls only want to serve the Lord, get married, stay at home and have kids. I’m not making this up. I guess if you’re a woman (or a doll) who wants a career, then you’re a dyke.
Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Jan 3, 2006, 00:00
It is my belief that President George W. Bush is drinking again. Even worse, he may be mixing alcohol and anti-depressants — a dangerous combination for anyone, let alone the so-called leader of the free world.
No, I don’t have any proof of this, just random events and comments from those who work in and around the Bush administration and who tell me the President has acted in ways that suggest the use of alcohol and drugs. I’m a recovering alcoholic (sober 11 years, six months and 24 days) and I’ve run across a lot of relapsed drinkers who show the same symptoms as the President, including:
- Blacking out while watching television alone;
- Slurred speech and stammering responses to simple questions;
- Anger and hostility in front of staff members;
- Unexplained bruises on his face;
- Trouble remembering recent events or comments.
During his trip to Mongolia last November, Bush openly sampled the local drink Airag, which is fermented milk with an alcohol content ranging from three to twelve percent. In other words, booze.
This was the same trip where Bush tried to evade reporters’ question by attempting to walk out a locked door and then turned sheepishly to the cameras and said he was “jet-lagged.” Some at the event said his stride was unsteady and his speech slurred.
“According to reports, President Bush may be drinking again,” David Letterman said in a late-night monologue. “And I thought, “Well, why not? He’s got everybody else drinking.”
Rumors that Bush was hitting the bottle surfaced in Washington two years ago. Sources told us the President was using anti-depressants in 2004 and we reported the story. The same sources told us last year he was drinking again and we reported it in August. The National Enquirer also ran a front page story on it but no mainstream media outlet picked up on the story.
On August 27 of last year, the Houston Chronicle reported on a party at Bush’s ranch, noting that:
Nothing the president said could be quoted, but it’s rare that reporters get uninterrupted access to him for 90 minutes, particularly when beer is served. Bush, who gave up drinking years ago, drank a non-alcoholic Buckler.
In Alcoholics Anonymous, we are warned to stay away from so-called “non-alcoholic” beers or “near beer” as it is called. The brew does, in fact, contain some alcohol and can trigger a renewed desire for more.
The November issue of the Journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, cites a study by team of California scientists who report that just the smell of non-alcoholic beer may be enough to trigger cravings and a subsequent relapse among certain alcoholics.
In my original articles about Bush’s bouts with anger and depression, I quoted Dr. Justin Frank, a George Washington University psychiatrist and author of the book: Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President.
“Two questions that the press seems particularly determined to ignore have hung silently in the air since before Bush took office,” Dr. Frank says. “Is he still drinking? And if not, is he impaired by all the years he did spend drinking? Both questions need to be addressed in any serious assessment of his psychological state.”
Dr. Frank’s analysis of the President, which is based on watching and reading and not actual treatment of Bush, agrees with those who have told me the President is also taking anti-depressants.
“In writing about Bush’s halting appearance in a press conference just before the start of the Iraq War, Washington Post media critic Tom Shales speculated that ‘the president may have been ever so slightly medicated,’” he said.
Dr. Frank explains Bush’s behavior as all-to-typical of an alcoholic who is still in denial:
“The pattern of blame and denial, which recovering alcoholics work so hard to break, seems to be ingrained in the alcoholic personality; it’s rarely limited to his or her drinking,” he adds. “The habit of placing blame and denying responsibility is so prevalent in George W. Bush’s personal history that it is apparently triggered by even the mildest threat.”
None of this, of course, proves Bush is drinking again or taking anti-depressants. The only evidence we have of Bush drinking is the sampling of a local, alcohol-based drink in Mongolia and his consumption of so-called non-alcoholic beer at a party in Crawford, Texas.
But my instincts tell me he is doing both alcohol and drugs and I believe as both a journalist and a recovering alcoholic that he needs to prove to Americans that he is not attempting to govern while under the influence.
Blogger Mark Kleiman, writing in The Reality Based Community, notes:
Moreover, with rare exceptions (e.g., the John Tower affair) the press seems very reluctant to mention heavy drinking by officials, even when it’s widely known. Ted Kennedy’s drinking gets an occasional mention, but I’d bet that most of Pat Moynihan’s constiuents never knew their brilliant senator faced a permanent battle with the bottle. If Gary Hart’s drinking problem has ever made the newspapers, I’ve missed it, though his behavior in the Donna Rice affair made it pretty obvious. Those in the know understood that the frequent media references to Bill Weld’s “laziness” as Governor of Massachusetts referred to his persistent difficulty in keeping himself vertical after lunch, but again the voters didn’t. Even foreign leaders get the same delicate treatment: Boris Yeltsin’s “erratic” behavior was in fact quite regular and predictable, once vodka was entered into the equation.
Kleiman is right about Moynihan’s drinking. You could find the Senator at Capitol Hill watering holes most any night, lunching in many different directions at once while slurping down his drinks. A number of members of Congress are notorious drunks but their antics are almost never reported by the press unless they get nailed for DUI or caught frolicking nude in the Tidal Basin.
As a journalist, it is my duty to raise questions about the fitness of any elected leader. One may argue over whether or not it is proper to print speculation but, in this case, I believe it is justified.
I’m doing my job. I just wish the so-called “mainstream” media would do theirs.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I first suspected I was on the wrong planet round about May 1979 when Margaret Thatcher got elected as prime minister of Great Britain. The election of a more-or-less fascist leader by a more-or-less working class electorate struck me as a form of collective insanity. My fears about the planet were confirmed a year and a half later, when a third-rate B-movie actor in the obvious primary stages of senility got elected as president of the most powerful country in the world.
I was three weeks short of 17 when Thatcher got elected, so my alienation at the time was put down to the raging of hormones; and I was told I would ‘get over it’ and that it was ‘just a stage’ I was going through. Nobody told me that I was alienated because I was, in fact, an alien; that were it not for a cosmic accident two thousand years ago I would have been born on a more beautiful, more peaceful planet than The Earth. This was something I did not come to understand until many years later.
My planet is called Urf, and it’s about 100 billion miles away from Earth, on a different plane of existence: a lighter, happier, more-evolved plane. If you had a big enough telescope you would be able to see it’s mirror incarnation in this plane, and you would assume it’s uninhabitted, as it is coal black, surrounded by dense poisonous gasses. It was once inhabited by many species, including thinking biped, ape-like creatures who quickly learned how to dominate and subjugate the others. They were cleverer than the Earth-humans and became technologically advanced much quicker. You see, there was no dark age on Urf. The Urfians did not suffer from the debilitating effects of religion, as it had never occurred to the first primitive tribes to invent a god. You see, the planet Urf benefited from tectonic stability, so there were no volcanoes or earthquakes. And as it’s sun was less powerful, but nearer, the weather patterns were much kinder. The whole planet basked in late Spring-like temperatures, year round, making for a temperate, warm, fertile planet. There were no storms, no hurricanes, no droughts. The Urfian bipeds didn’t even have to deal with serious predators. The largest carnivorous beast on Urf was a creature called a pratwat, a bit like a pig, but with the teeth of a dog. It could take out an Urfian biped, with some effort, if necessary, but two bipeds with stout sticks could easily whip it’s ass. On Urf there was nothing for the Urfian biped to fear, so there was no need for a god. That’s not to say that they couldn’t have used some celestial guidance, because they most certainly could. Despite living on a fertile planet and having no real needs, like the first Earth humans, they were still spiritually backwards, like all creatures on all the planets on this particular plane of existence. You see, the energy vibration levels on this particular plane of existence are slow and almost treacly compared to the plane I was supposed to be born on, so it is harder to connect with the celestial energy of The One. Therefore the Urfians, like all Earthlings, like every creature on this plane of existence are all, without exception, spiritually stupid. No matter how evolved they are technologically, they are still, essentially, blind. They are incapable of recognising The One, of realising they are a part of The One. And so, they act out their individual roles, believing they are all separate from each other. They are incapable of seeing the finer energies that connect us all: seeing only the dense matter that is their physical bodies. Being blinded by this illusion of separation, the Urfian, like the Earthling, was essentially a self-serving creature. So, just like on Earth, on Urf there was a self-serving acquisitiveness which drove the Urfian; and they were as prone to folly as the Earthlings. They very quickly destroyed their planet, much quicker than the Earthlings are currently doing; and now the planet Urf is a burned out cinder. At least, that’s the way it is on this plane of existence.
Maybe you do not believe that there are more than three-dimensions because of your limited perceptions. The Urfians on this plane of existence also did not believe there were more than three-dimensions until the very end, when they developed the technology to rip through the fabric of their limited reality into another plane of existence, scorching their already seriously damaged planet with a sudden surge of raw celestial energy, wiping out every living being on their planet in the blinking of an eye. Urf, on this plane of existence, was wiped out just over 2,000 years ago; and serious damage was done to the veils that separate the different planes of existence. One day soon, quantum physicists on this planet will discover the multi-dimensional nature of the universe; and the scientists, presidents, generals and company directors will conspire to conquer the vast green planet that is The Earth, but on a fresher, more vibrant plane of existence. And should they use the same technology as their Urfian counterparts, they will succeed only in turning the Earth on this plane into a black, uninhabitable cinder.
Earthlings on this plane of existence, like the Urfians before them, have always suspected that there was something better around them which they could not see. In their very DNA is the knowledge that there are higher planes of existence; and imprinted in the soul is a yearning to transcend this limited, dirty plane of existence. Primitive Earthlings knew this yearning only too well, as their lives were simple, uncluttered and rooted in nature; and the gods that they invented and the religions and mythologies they dreamt up were a melange of their fears and wishes. The paradise which is a central pivot of all religions is the picture of a higher plane of existence imprinted in the mind of the primitive Earthling. It is this vision of heaven that spurs Earthlings on to self-improvement. It is an urge, an urgency, imprinted in every creature’s DNA. But that urge is very often re-routed because of emotional and spiritual stupidity and an inability to comprehend the presence of The One. In these particularly stupid and desperate times the transcendental urge can be sublimated easily by the likes of daemonic entities that incarnate into the almost vacant bodies of advertising executives and marketing directors: so the collective urge to become self-aware in order to reincarnate is tapped into and re-wired by misleading messages played out perpetually through the mass media. Most Earthlings, being stupid and devoid of true discrimination, are incredibly susceptible to these messages. Their desire for things they don’t need is immense. They are constantly dreaming about owning a bigger house, a faster car, a better television, a more powerful computer, a newer kitchen, more fashionable clothes etc; and they are constantly conspiring to find the wherewithal to purchase these goodies. They happily sell out their youthful principles to climb the greasy pole that is a career and increase their buying power. So they buy and buy and buy; and this flurry of purchasing is like a white noise that drowns out the wee, small voice that is true consciousness; the wee small voice which urges them to be good humans, to improve themselves, to reach upwards and magnetise themselves towards the light, so that upon death they are pulled upwards, out of this plane of existence to the next level.
It is cosmic law that you go to where you are drawn; and although the general flow is upwards, as spirits we can still go backwards. Earthlings on this plane can, upon death, be sucked back down to a lower plane of existence. Those who are so avaricious that they will, without conscience, happily destroy the lives of others in order to achieve their own material advancement are drawn back down to an elemental plane of existence after they die. The religious concept of Hell, just like the concept of Heaven, is very much based on the dreams and visions of primitive Earthlings, who, despite their simplicity, were wiser and more connected than those who live in this era of white noise and consumer goodies. These dreams and visions, in which they could see the higher plane that they imagined was paradise, also delivered to them frightening images of the lower, elemental plane.
Just as those on this plane of existence can be drawn back down to the elemental plane, so can those on the level above this one be drawn back down to this one. There are many things about this plane of existence that attract those who exist on the higher plane. Despite their knowledge and wisdom, and despite the peace and happiness enjoyed by all, many higher beings are attracted to this plane of existence. There is a physicality to this plane of existence that is very alluring. Higher beings do not have physical bodies as we understand them. Their ‘bodies’ are made of energy, and everyone’s energy is interconnected. Therefore the simple, physical pleasures that we enjoy are not available to higher beings. They don’t need to eat or drink or excrete waste products. They don’t need to breathe. They don’t even need a sense of smell. And as they do not procreate, they have no genitals. They do not enjoy the consolations that those on the lower planes enjoy. Many of the creatures in the higher plane, especially during their first incarnation, miss the sheer sensuality of the lower realms… and those that cannot tear themselves away from this illusion of yearning become utterly fixated with the lower realms. So much so, that some of them return in spirit bodies, just to observe the lower creatures enjoying the crass pleasures of their dense bodies. You have heard of angels, no doubt? These are not, as you suppose, messengers of God, but bewildered souls from a higher plane. To your eyes they shimmer or have haloes, for they are made of light… but their light is not as bright as those who remain in the higher plane. As soon as they visit the lower realms their bodies start to vibrate at lower energy levels and the light in them fades. Those who remain for a long time lose their shine altogether; and when they pass away, are reincarnated in a lower plane. It is usually lust for sex or fleshy sensuality that is these higher creatures’ undoing. You may even have seen or felt one near you at the height of coitus. They love to watch you all fucking, and they yearn to be inside you as you experience that brief bright love for another. Sometimes they even jump into your bodies as you orgasm, so that they can feel what you are feeling; even though the sheer denseness of your bodies asphyxiates to them; even though this process exhausts and debilitates them; even though they are cast out of your bodies after a mere few minutes. You may have experienced the strange, fleeting pleasure of being entered by one of these etheric voyeurs. The exchange of energy is intense, for you will have sucked up some of their light, just as they have sucked up some of your darkness. For hours or even days afterwards you will be walking on air. Sometimes even, you will fall in love.
Urfians are particularly prone to reincarnating on the lower plane. Because of the untimely destruction of our planet on the lower realm and because of the holes torn in the very fabric of reality, it is easier for us than for any other creature on any other planet to visit the lower realms. The death of our planet filled the higher beings with a strange melancholy, an almost intangible yearning for the lower realm. We were haunted by spectral apparitions of Urf as it had been, and for over 2,000 years, we have felt seized by the desire to visit the lower plane. So dangerous are the holes in reality, even beings from the plane that is above ours are drawn to the physical realm. Jesus was from this highest realm. So were many other prophets and messiahs. They surrendered to incarnation on the physical plane because they were overcome with compassion for the suffering of those who existed there.
As there were no beings on the burnt out planet that was the Urf of the lower realm, the Urfians would visit the nearest inhabited planet. Your planet. It is not by accident that your planet is called The Earth. It was named so by one of your kind who believed he’d had a vision of an angel, but in actuality had only had an encounter with an etheric Urfian tourist.
Just over two thousand years ago when the terrestrial Urfians destroyed their planet and tore holes in reality’s raiment the terrestrial planet Earth was swarming with Urfian etheric tourists. It was a crazy time for the terrestrial Earthlings: angels were seen everywhere and miracles were commonplace. The planet was teeming with beings from both the higher and the highest realms. During the first few centuries of the Christian calendar, the terrestrial planet Earth was like a holiday theme park for the Urfians; and they paid the price of their curiosity by being magnetised, and upon their death in the etheric, being reincarnated on Earth. Reincarnation on Earth soon cured the Urfians of their attraction to the place. One cycle of life on that miserable planet was usually enough to convince them that they should stick to their own realm. After about five centuries, Urfian visitations more or less ceased on Earth; and as a consequence, the nascent spirituality of the Earthlings withered away. A new dark age was ushered in. The angels disappeared; and dark forces ate away at the soul of The Earth’s religious institutions. For the next twelve hundred or so years, no Urfian set foot on the planet Earth, although, from time to time, observation parties would travel there, surrounded by protective shields of light, so that none of the Earth’s magnetic energy could touch them and effect an unwanted reincarnation. Then, some time in the mid-Eighteenth century the Urfian observation teams noticed disturbing changes on The Earth. The Earthlings, finally freed from the yoke of a religion that was rotten to the core, had begun to develop technologically. The invention of the steam engine sent alarm bells ringing all over etheric Urf. The Urfians were suddenly woken up to the fact that the Earthlings, despite their bumbling superstitious minds, might well develop technologically as the Urfians had done before them. Knowing the damage that the Urfians themselves had done to the fabric of reality, they were afraid that the Earthlings might develop sufficient technological skills to blast their way through to another level of reality, maybe even opening up doors to the lower realms, which would wreak havoc with the cosmos… or worse, the veils between all the realms would disintegrate and daemonic entities from the lowest realm would invade the very highest realm, which, on a cosmic level, would be like a super-volcano exploding, throwing up a giant ash cloud, and blanking out the sun. It would be the spiritual equivalent of an ice age, in which hell indeed would freeze over.
The etheric Urfians, guided by Urfian super-souls from the highest realm, knew what they had to do. They had to sacrifice themselves to try to prevent the possible destruction of the universe. Each etheric Urfian had to do a tour of duty on The Earth. One terrestrial Earth incarnation, with the specific purpose of subverting the Earthlings’ relentless drive towards technological advancement and the almost inevitable destruction of their planet. This plan was put into action at the tail end of the nineteenth century. Initially, a million etheric Urfians were dispatched to the terrestrial plane, arriving one by one on the Earth, at three minute intervals, travelling slowly, almost imperceptibly through the Earth’s atmosphere and gradually becoming cloaked in the dark magnetic muck that surrounds the Earth, camouflaging themselves, so that they would be entirely invisible to the Earthlings’ naked eyes. Although invisible, the relatively sudden presence of a million etheric beings on Earth was felt in many other ways. It is no coincidence that the late Victorians were morbidly obsessed with sex. They could feel the eyes of etheric beings upon them as they coupled; and in their ignorance, were certain that God was watching them… and judging them.
The sudden presence of so many invisible etheric Urfians on the terrestrial plane put considerable strain on the cosmos, causing tears in the veils that separate the realities. These tears nearly precipitated the events that the Urfians most feared, for they allowed a leakage of daemonic souls into the terrestrial plane. Daemonic souls are, in general, incredibly stupid, so it is rare that they find doorways into the terrestrial plane, but when they do, they wreak havoc. They instantly incarnate in human form by invading the nearest new-born and gobbling up their souls. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were the result of the lowest of daemons incarnating on the terrestrial plane.
Once the etheric Urfians incarnated in terrestrial form the rips between the daemonic and the terrestrial sealed up and no more daemons got through. The first daemon incarnates – many of them ordinary, horrible, not-so-powerful citizens – mated with the terrestrial population and caused hideous mutations in the gene pool, which spawned bastard children like Margaret Thatcher and George Bush, who then, in an attempt to fortify the daemon gene, mated with other half-daemons, creating hideous abortions like Mark Thatcher and George Bush Junior. Osama Bin Laden likewise is a half-daemonic abortion. As was Uday Hussain and Baby Doc Duvalier. These daemonic abortions are way more evil than their parents, but fortunately they are very often a lot more stupid, and rarely get into positions of real power. The few that do, like Tony Blair, have a highly evolved and sophisticated conniving gene. Others, like the mental defective, George Bush Jr, have been more-or-less enthroned, as the acceptable, user-friendly figure-head of a daemonic cartel.
After the Urfians became aware of the damage that had been done by their mass exodus to Earth they slowed things down considerably; and with careful monitoring, worked out the optimum number of etheric beings that the terrestrial Earth could bear without damage. Throughout the twentieth century, at any given point in time, there have been just over 100,000 etheric Urfians on the planet Earth. Given that an etheric Urfian can survive for only six months in the poisonous atmosphere of the Earth, a total of twenty million Urfians have incarnated on the Earth in human form.
You would think that twenty million relatively highly evolved souls would have had a totally transformative effect on the terrestrial planet Earth, but sadly that has not been the case. You see, as they were incarnating on a strange planet, they lost all the reference points, which would normally trigger the deeply buried memories of their previous incarnations. The terrestrial planet Earth bore no relationship to the etheric planet Urf, unlike the etheric Earth, which was a lighter, brighter mirror of its terrestrial counterpart. When the Urfians incarnated on the terrestrial Earth, it was like their hard-drives were wiped clean. They completely forgot their previous existence and their purpose. All they had to go on was a feeling that they didn’t belong… and this feeling of not belonging was the motor that drove them on the road to self-discovery. Many incarnate Urfians eventually unravelled some degree of self-knowledge or self-awareness. Some even came to understand something of the nature of their purpose on Earth. Few ever truly realised that they had voluntarily incarnated on the terrestrial planet Earth from the etheric planet Urf, with the specific intention of waking up the Earthlings who were sleepwalking towards their own extinction… and possibly the extinction of the known universe. Despite that, they were driven by feelings, ideas, visions and dreams to subvert the Earthlings’ overwhelming desire to subjugate everything they could for their own ends. The Urfians infiltrated every strata of society and their desire for peace, love and understanding infected the Earthlings like a benign cancer. Without the presence of the Urfians the Earthlings would have managed to destroy the Earth by the year 2000, as Earthling prophets of old had previously predicted. Urfians are responsible for slowing down the march of technology and accelerating the spiritual awakening of the terrestrial Earthling race. They have worked tirelessly, if blindly, towards this end. During the first half of the century they worked slowly and painstakingly in the fields of art, literature, philosophy and politics to try to subvert the status quo of the Earthlings. In the second half of the century – after the unbelievable horrors of the 2nd World War – the Urfians were driven to use less subtle strategies. They infiltrated the light entertainment industries and in less than twenty years took almost complete control. It was Urfians who first mass-manufactured and distributed mind-altering drugs like LSD and Ecstasy. It was Urfians that were in the forefront of all the various hippie and new age movements. It was Urfians that founded pressure groups like the Greenpeace, Amnesty International and CND. It was Urfians that were at the forefront of the feminist movement. It was Urfians that spearheaded campaigns for civil rights and liberties for oppressed minorities. It was Urfians who campaigned for the abolition of the death penalty. It was Urfians who invented the birth control pill. It was Urfians who campaigned against censorship… and barely a one of them knew that they hailed from Urf. The common thread that bound them was a desire to make the Earth a better place.
At present there are approximately fifteen million Urfian souls currently incarnated in Earthling flesh (five million of the early pioneers have now served their tours of duty and are once again enjoying the delights of life on the etheric Urf). Of these fifteen million, few have come to the full realisation of their origins. Only a handful remember that they are from Urf. They work towards the Earth’s greater good because of some inner compulsion they do not quite understand. They work with dedication and vision, but rarely to their fullest potential. If they could be re-awakened to realise who they are and what their mission is they would truly be a force to be reckoned with. If they could open up their etheric eyes and revitalise their spiritual powers they would be able to defeat the daemonic forces that have taken control of the governments and multinational corporations. If they could connect together at an energetic level their power would be twenty times what it is now. If they could realise that they are part of The One they would be able to help the Earthlings learn that they too are part of The One. If they could help the Earthlings realise their true natures all the outposts of the evil empire would crumble: for it is their unwitting participation and cooperation with the system that keeps the wheels of evil turning.
Amongst the fifteen million, more than 75 percent are almost completely asleep. Not only do they have no clue about their origins, they are devoid of even the faintest urge to carry out their mission to improve the Earthlings and the Earth. They are, for all intents and purposes, Earthlings. The only thing that separates them from their Earth cousins is a nagging sense that they don’t belong. They feel different from others. Many feel entirely alienated from their peers, often suffering from attendant mental and emotional stress that Earthling doctors diagnose as mental illness. Others may find some sort of tentative foothold in human society, by choosing to work in fields that are not highly valued by Earthlings and therefore are less competitive, less aggressive environments. There is a very high per capita ratio of unconscious Urfians in the lower ranks of the caring professions. The arts also attract great numbers of Urfians, especially the least attractive, least financially rewarding art forms, like poetry. Few Urfians ever succeed in their chosen professions, not even in poetry. They do not have the determination, the drive or the ruthlessness that is necessary to rise far above the huddled masses. Ted Hughes, for example, was pure Earthling stock, whereas his wife, Sylvia Plath – who only really became truly famous after her suicide – was half Urfian.
There are nearly twelve million Urfians out there sleepwalking through their lives. They are like an army with no guns, no uniforms. They have the potential to help defeat the daemonic forces that have insinuated their way into positions of power on this planet. They have the potential to help awaken Earthlings to their true nature and prevent the destruction of the Earth… and possibly the universe itself. But they have not yet realised this potential.
(If you have read this message and it speaks to you, possibly you are an Urfian too. If you suspect you might be, now is the time to act, to work to prevent the Earth’s destruction. Channel your talents and abilities to help reawaken other unconscious Urfians: give them your love and support; nurture them. Use every means possible to open up Earthling’s eyes: subvert their thinking wherever possible; and where necessary, infiltrate the heart of the daemonic empire and destroy their systems from within. Remember, use only peaceful means; for evil only begets evil and will ultimately make the daemonic empire stronger…. act now, for time is quickly running out!)
Disclaimer: this may not be a work of fiction.