The 300 Most Common Words In The English Language

the of and a to in is you that it he for was on are as with his they at be this from I have or by one had not but what all were when we there can an your which their said if do will each about how up out them then she many some so these would other into has more her two like him see time could no make than first been its who now people my made over did down only way find use may water long little very after words called just where most know get through back much before go good new write our used me man too any day same right look think also around another came come work three word must because does part even place well such here take why things help put years different away again off went old number great tell men say small every found still between name should Mr home big give air line set own under read last never us left end along while might next sound below saw something thought both few those always looked show large often together asked house don’t world going want school important until 1 form food keep children feet land side without boy once animals life enough took sometimes four head above kind began almost live page got earth need far hand high year mother light parts country father let night following 2 picture being study second eyes soon times story boys since white days ever paper hard near sentence better best across during today others however sure means knew it’s try told young miles sun ways thing whole hear example heard several change answer room sea against top turned 3 learn point city play toward five using himself usually

Source: The American Heritage Word Frequency Book by John B. Carroll, Peter Davies, and Barry Richman (Houghton Mifflin, 1971, ISBN 0-395-13570-2).

(this is the first night that moe is in orlando, and i can’t sleep… can you tell?)


i discovered this a while ago, but i just got around to checking it out, and it does, indeed, do what they say… first, make a high quality, high contrast scan of the 2D barcode on your driver’s license (according to the site, currently 39 states use 2D barcodes on driver’s licenses, but NC, GA, UT, IL, KY, and older licences from MN are currently non-decodeable for one reason or another) that’s between 1000 and 2000 pixels wide, and between 500kb – 1.5mb, and upload it here and you get to find out how the cops know so much about you after such a short period of time…

except that my license has the information from before we moved, which is why they put “please notify the DOL within 10 days of a change of address” warning on the back…

also, i just had to include a link to everlasting blort