they decided that the estimate to fix the car wouldn’t happen until today. if they decide to fix it, then they’ll already have it taken apart, and if they decide to total it, we’re going to end up with an equivalent car in either of the two situations that we’ll end up in, so the stress is off, somewhat… but nobody’s 100% sure of anything yet, because it’s apparently that close.

i got an order for a narmada sivalingam yesterday. i got a huge order about a week ago… $125 worth of murtis, a rudraksha mala and one package of incense, for good measure. hopefully UPS will show up today, because i called it in on thursday of last week, and it was sent out on friday of last week, and then i can get this huge order taken care of. i’ve got an acupuncture appointment this afternoon. i’m probably going to go to howling league with moe this evening.

8 thoughts on “322”

  1. yeah, karen hunter is the owner of MegaDogs… i don’t know her, but i would probably recognise her if i saw her… moe knows her quite well…

  2. A quick search of my email shows me it was last Memorial Day weekend, out in Woodenville in the (very large) “backyard” of a lady named Karen Hunter. That name ring a bell?


  3. an agility trial (yes, that’s the right word) that was out in the boondocks was very likely held at the argus ranch, in which case, i’m surprised i didn’t hear that the jug band was playing, or run into you, or something equally bizarre… of course, there’s always the possibility that it wasn’t held at argus ranch, (especially if it was south of tacoma, or on the olympic peninsula or east of the mountains), which significantly decreases the possiblity of bizarre things like that happening…

    but yeah, with that as a venue, i can imagine that the response to “my dog has fleas” was less than entirely positive…

  4. Aha!

    Well, last summer the jug band played at a dog agility trial (I think that’s the right term).

    It was out in the boondocks — a lovely drive — and the catering was done by Big Al’s BBQ (yum!) which is actually how we got the gig. John (owner of Big Al’s… go figger) really likes the jug band and recommended us.

    It was fun watching the dogs go through their paces but I got a bad reaction when I strummed my ukulele and made a comment about “My Dog Has Fleas”. 🙂


  5. no, it’s not a typo… i meant to say “howling” league, although whether you’d really be interested in learning more about it after i tell you that it’s a dog agility thing is questionable…

  6. Ummmm… either that’s a typo and you meant “bowling league” (which is cool, I used to bowl in a league) or it wasn’t a typo in which case I want to find out more about this “howling league”. 🙂


  7. i’m sort of ambivalent about it… if i were having to pay for the treatments in the ordinary sense of the word “pay”, i would probably not be doing them, as i am broke again… as it is, a good friend of mine, who just happens to be an accomplished acupuncturist and the past president of the washington acupuncture society (whatever it’s called), said that he would be interested in working on me after my injury for free, as sort of a “research project”, and as i am one who rarely turns down free medical treatment, i said sure, why not… i must admit that it’s a little alarming to me when he puts needles in my scalp, but it doesn’t hurt, and the first few treatments i had were a big help in my early recovery, so i’m inclined to have the treatments on the off chance that they will have an overall positive effect…

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