DON’T go to the vegetable sacrifice today… the pass is closed due to avalanche control work, and they’re turning people around at edgewick road, which is one or two exits *west* of eXit-38…
once again, the vegetable sacrifice is CANCELLED for today, however it will be rescheduled before october, so if you have a suggestion for when (springtime would be good if you want it to be at eXit-38) write to me and we’ll work something out.
i meant the public sacrifice… individual sacrifices should procede as normal. and if the forces of Safeway (= Big Brother) interfere, that is the sign that you are doing things correctly and should continue to do them exactly the way you have been doing.
but we didn’t cancel anything. we’ve been sacrificing two days already
only, we were nearly caught by Big Brother on first night – it probably was the Tina Chop sign informing we should wait, but we didn’t understand