the ballard sedentary sousa band has a performance at the king street station, for something having to do with amtrak today at 10:00 am. then it’s off to the post office where i have to mail a couple of packages, and then i am officially of the books until OCF on wednestay. in the mean time i hope that it will be cool enough that i can mow the lawn, because if i don’t get the chance to do it now, it’s going to be hell to do when i get home. we also have plans to go to portland for moe’s “traditional”(?) “family”(?) fourth of july, which, in spite of the fact that it means spending the night at her mom’s place without moe to protect me from her mom and her mom’s female housemate (who, in spite of obvious connotations, are conservative, flag-waving, right-wing women who happen to be platonic – although neither of them even know who plato was), only adds to my plans for getting to OCF early wednesday by giving me a 300 mile head start.

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