see also here

You scored as XIII: Death. Death is probably the most well known Tarot card – and also the most misunderstood. Most Tarot novices would consider Death to be a bad card, especially given its connection with the number thirteen. In fact this card rarely indicates literal death.Without “death” there can be no change, only eventual stagnation. The “death” of the child allows for the “birth” of the adult. This change is not always easy. The appearance of Death in a Tarot reading can indicate pain and short term loss, however it also represents hope for a new future.

XIII: Death


XI: Justice


I – Magician


VIII – Strength


XV: The Devil


XVI: The Tower


0 – The Fool


IV – The Emperor


II – The High Priestess


VI: The Lovers


X – Wheel of Fortune


III – The Empress


XIX: The Sun


Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com


the washington state supreme court has just ruled in favour of upholding the defense of marriage act (marriage equals one man and one woman), in spite of the fact that the state constitution clearly states that “No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens, or corporations.” (Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 12)

i don’t think that laws which limit marriage to only heterosexual couples can possibly fall under this category… what? do they think that homosexual couples simply don’t exist? at this point, i think that if they want to call it “marriage,” they should qualify it by saying that it is “marriage for only those people who those people who make the laws think should get married” and have “gay marriage” be called something completely different. 8/

why is this even an issue when we have israel bombing lebanon and killing hundreds of innocent children and other civilians over one kidnapped israeli soldier when the people who kidnapped him are willing to accept a cease fire?



Vegas Makes It Crime To Feed Homeless People
July 21, 2006

LAS VEGAS — A battle is brewing over a new Las Vegas ordinance that bans providing food or meals to the indigent at city parks.

The Las Vegas City Council unanimously passed a law, which went into effect Thursday, making it a crime to feed the homeless at city parks. It carries a maximum penalty of $1,000 and six months in jail.

The law bans giving away or selling food to anyone who could get assistance from official sources under state law, and officials said city marshals will get specialized training to enforce it.

The city’s mayor, Oscar Goodman, dismissed questions about how marshals will identify the homeless so that they can enforce the ordinance.

“Certain truths are self-evident,” Goodman said. “You know who’s homeless.”

Marshals recently began arresting the homeless in parks under a campaign to force people who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves to get mental help.

City officials call the measure an attempt to stop so-called “mobile soup kitchens” from attracting the homeless to parks.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada calls it unconstitutional, unenforceable and the latest attempt by the city to hide and harass the homeless instead of constructively addressing their plight.

“So, the only people who get to eat are those who have enough money? Those who get (government) assistance can’t eat at your picnic?” asked ACLU attorney Allen Lichtenstein, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “I’ve heard of some rather strange and extreme measures from other cities. I’ve never heard of something like this. It’s mind-boggling.”

One advocate for the homeless said she will continue to feed the homeless, despite being cited twice already.

“I’m going to do whatever I think is necessary to keep people alive,” Gail Sacco told the paper.

She said her previous citations came while she was feeding the homeless for holding a gathering of 25 or more people without a permit.

‘Zombies’ booked for carrying fake WMDs
Jul. 25, 2006

MINNEAPOLIS – Six friends spruced up in fake blood and tattered clothing were arrested in downtown Minneapolis on suspicion of toting “simulated weapons of mass destruction.”

Police said the group were allegedly carrying bags with wires sticking out, making it look like a bomb, while meandering and dancing to music as part of a “zombie dance party” Saturday night.

“They were arrested for behavior that was suspicious and disturbing,” said Lt. Gregory Reinhardt, a police spokesman. Police also said the group was uncooperative and intimidated people with their “ghoulish” makeup.

One group member said the “weapons” were actually backpacks modified to carry a homemade stereos and the suspects were jailed without reason. None of the six adults and one juvenile arrested have been charged.

“Given the circumstance of them being uncooperative … why would you have those (bags) if not to intimidate people?” said Inspector Janee Harteau. “It’s not a case of (police) overreacting.”

Harteau also said police were on high alert because they’d gotten a bulletin about men who wear clown makeup while attacking and robbing people in other states.

Kate Kibby, one of those arrested, said previous zombie dance parties at the Mall of America and on light-rail trains have occurred without incident. Last fall, nearly 200 people took part in a “zombie pub crawl” in northeast Minneapolis.

Kibby said they were cooperative and followed the two officers to the station where they were questioned and eventually loaded into a van and booked into jail.

“It was clear to us that they were trying to get a rise out of us,” Kibby said.

Members of the group could face lesser charges like disorderly conduct, police said.