
the washington state supreme court has just ruled in favour of upholding the defense of marriage act (marriage equals one man and one woman), in spite of the fact that the state constitution clearly states that “No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens, or corporation other than municipal, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens, or corporations.” (Washington State Constitution, Article 1, Section 12)

i don’t think that laws which limit marriage to only heterosexual couples can possibly fall under this category… what? do they think that homosexual couples simply don’t exist? at this point, i think that if they want to call it “marriage,” they should qualify it by saying that it is “marriage for only those people who those people who make the laws think should get married” and have “gay marriage” be called something completely different. 8/

why is this even an issue when we have israel bombing lebanon and killing hundreds of innocent children and other civilians over one kidnapped israeli soldier when the people who kidnapped him are willing to accept a cease fire?


6 thoughts on “growf!”

  1. well i don’t know the washington constitution, and as it annoyed me when national commentators started talking like they knew a damn thing about my constitution (which i’ve read cover-to-cover), i shall refrain from opining on the washingtonian variant. however, i will say that i was secretly quite relieved when this came down, because here we have that stupid 1913 law banning marriages to out-of-state couples that would be illegal in their home jurisdiction, and that’s significantly cut down on the gay tourism that, for instance, vermont so thoroughly enjoyed until we upstaged them. and i frankly didn’t want washington to take our place as a potential nuptial tourism location. once the dems take over the governor’s office come november, we’re still in line to become the las vegas of homosexuality. (as if we weren’t already.)

  2. It’s a distraction, pandering to a perceived threat while a real one tries to escape un-noticed, or at least ignored because it’s so far away, and the gays are here and now.

    Hopefully, someone takes up the call on the “Special rights” afforded to married heterosexuals, and someone in the court system actually listens.

  3. i heard that it was “accidentally on purpose”, but i don’t have independent confirmation of this yet… 8/

    it strikes me as supremely bizarre that they put so much emphasis on DOMA, when there are much more important things, that affect many more people on a much more permanent basis… it’s almost as though they’re hoping that we won’t notice…

  4. And now the Israelis “accidentally” bombed a UN observation post. The bombardment went on, apparently, even as the post was being evacuated. Of course my local paper buried it on one of the last pages of section A…

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