9 thoughts on “581”

  1. i gotta performance tomorrow in enumclaw (the scottish highland games with the BSSB) and rehearsals tuesday, wednesday and thursday evenings next week with the cirque de flambé, but i’m free the rest of the time… the week after that i’ve probably got similar rehearsals with the cirque, plus a potential paying gig doing a captain underpants video shoot, and an art car thing on saturday, but, again, i’m probably available the rest of the time… when and where?

  2. once it actually exists, some pictures and, hopefully, some videos will be posted in my journal…

  3. We definitely gotta jam. Best part? I now have (knock wood) reasonably reliable transportation so we might find a good middle spot to meet up at.

  4. i already know exactly how the flaming tuba is going to work. in fact, the guy that did the sousaphone stole my idea, which i have been kicking around for at leat 5 years.

  5. Good things all around, then. Since someone’s already done the sousaphone that shoots flames, you should probably be able to find a schematic or something for a tuba.

  6. it won’t get used for drunk puppet night, as i normally do tech stuff for DPN. but it definitely will get used for fremont philharmonic- and/or cirque de flambe-related stuff. two of my primary reasons for buying it were so that i no longer have to transpose all of my parts so that i can play them on my Eb tuba, and so that i can now devote my attention to converting that Eb tuba so that it shoots flames out of the bell… 8)

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