thanks to … i like it, even if your response was "Umm, riiiiight"

10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job

but then again, i’m the one who is always talking about how much better a workless society would be than the current fiasco in which we’re currently inundated, which we continue to delude ourselves into believing that it’s really the way humans should exist with one another on the planet, when it is actually destroying us… 8/


i’ve got 11 parts completely transposed, and i’m working on the 12th. i haven’t figured out how to insert just the chord names instead of the actual chords, so the last one i’m doing by hand, but it would have taken a lot longer if i had had to do all of them by hand.

this is so cool!


this is kewl!

and for those of you who know how much i abhor using terminology like that, it’s an indication of truly how kewl it really is… 8)

check this out: LilyPond.org

there you will find a free program with which you can typeset music, called Lilypond. it’s a small, intuitive, easy to use, text-based markup language similar to HTML, and the shell script it uses to turn .ly files, which you create with any text editor, into .pdf files of typeset music.

apparently it’s also good for midi stuff, but i haven’t gotten that far yet…

however this:

\header {
  title = "Game Show Theme"
  composer = "Fred Hawkinson"
  instrument = "Bb Sousaphone"

\clef bass
\time 2/2
\repeat volta 2
     g2 e2 a4. d8 r2 g2 e2 a4. d8 r2 g2 b2 a4. b8 r2 d4 r4-POP r4 r8 e8 d8. fis16 g4 r2

turns into this:

Game Show Theme by Fred Hawkinson

with far less trouble than it would take me to write out anything half as legible! is that not one of the kewelest things you have ever seen??? w00t!