i got notification that my sousaphone mouthpiece has been shipped, but when i actually went to the web site it said that it hasn’t actually been shipped yet… although it did say that they haven’t got notification of it’s shipping yet, and i know how lackidaisical the postal service is about updating their web sites – twice a day, if we’re lucky – so i’m not panicked yet… but the seller said that they were “going on tour” on august 4th, so it might not actually be shipped until the 20th, which would be a drag, but acceptable if she actually ships it on the 20th.

i made a whole bunch of changes to the Hybrid Elephant web site, the most noticable of which is the change in the navigation bar on the left side. now some of the links actually load new navigation bars instead of going directly to the “index” link in the content frame, like they used to. this is to make navigation easier for people on slow network connections, because now it loads a sub-menu where you can click directly on the page you want, instead of having to go through the index pages. also, according to my web stats, in the past two months i have given away 20 copies of my mac font, and 44 copies of my windoesn’t font, and despite the fact that i have the “READ-ME” in the zip and binhex archives, where i clearly ask them to send me money, i’ve recieved no compensation of any kind for it. so i’ve decided that, now that i actually have a “shopping cart” (which i’ve had for at least a year now 8/ ), i can start selling my font, rather than just trusting people to send money for a font that they probably never open the “READ-ME” for anyway.

my reward for all of this web-based activity is that i got a new order within 5 minutes of my posting the changes, and because of the last round of changes i made, i can fill the order and ship it out right away: i’ve got it sitting next to me on the desk, and i’m going to the post office next.