i’ve got a lot of friends who, for one reason or another, continue to use AOL even though it is not the best service provider out there, and i wouldn’t dream of trying to change their minds about this… but at the same time, i’m glad i’m not an A-Oh-Hell user, and this is yet another reason why:
AOL Proudly Releases Massive Amounts of Private Data
AOL: “This was a screw up”
and just because A-Oh-Hell has admitted their mistake and taken the information down, don’t think you’re off the hook, because there are mirrors, and more people are downloading it as you read this…
A screw up like this is evil and horrible.
What I want to know is why AOL is keeping logs of people’s searches in the first place, unless it’s to improve the quality of their searches. And that can be done using learning tools that don’t require unique and identifying numbers. Probably pretty well, too.
Jus tshows what kind of data is being collected on every person, through their willing attachment of a name or the unwilling attachment of a number.
the most difficult part will be memorising a new email address… 8)
but you’ll very likely get better, more diverse services, more knowledgable tech support, a more secure environment, and a lower price.
wowwwww. i just read through a bunch of that. i have aol, i’ve been meaning to get rid of it for years but i’ve been attached to it. this is the greatest inspiration yet, i’ve always hated so many aspects of it.