Uncategorized 614 Wednesday, 20060816 przxqgl 8 Comments HINDU “CHRISTMAS” IS IN AUGUST!!! happy Janmaastami everyone!
I’ve been feeling very subcontinental lately… Perhaps this is why. And isn’t Ganesh Chaturthi coming up soon?
hindu “christmas”… 8)
I’m going to make a point of celebrating that one too.
Ah, thanks for the information. I have a better idea of what’s being celebrated now.
more information
ganesha chaturthi is september 10-14.
More information for those of us not in the loop, please?
Regardless, Happy Janmaastami.
Happy Janmashtami my friend! 🙂

I’ve been feeling very subcontinental lately… Perhaps this is why. And isn’t Ganesh Chaturthi coming up soon?