i’ve got the entire yantra roughed in. sorry for the quality of the photo, the digital camera does weird things when it is confronted by extremely bright lights… like the sun…
much as i really, really, really, really, REALLY want to, it’s entirely likely that i won’t actually get around to painting this until next weekend: today i’ve been invited to FredCon by Fred himself (so i have to go), tomorrow i’ve got a BSSB performance, monday i have an appointment, i have rehearsals tuesday, wednesday and thursday which are also supposed to be weather that isn’t good for painting a car, so it will be at least friday before i have two or three days in a row to mess around with my car and not have to move it… bugger…
but if that’s what it’s gonna take to do an outstanding job of it, then that’s what’s gonna be done, whether i like it or not.