sink cat

i figured out how to improvise a compass large enough to draw a circle 24″ in diametre, and i got the interior of the yantra roughed in. now i’ve got to make a template for half of one of the petals, and rough them in, and then rough in the outer border and i’ll be ready to start painting around noon or so tomorrow.

i also found a cat in the sink. hmmm…

9 thoughts on “631”

  1. that’s charlie, and you’ll have to fight moe for him… and my guess is that moe can kick your ass… 8)

  2. i think this is really neat and exciting that you’re doing this. i like seeing your progress and hearing about the colors.

    and i really want that cat.

  3. yeah, i ran into difficulties when i put down masking tape and then discovered that it covered up portions of the roof that eventually will have paint on them, so i had to think of another way to do it… fortunately i’ve got a really long mahlstick…

  4. When I painted my yin-yangs on the roofs of my various cars (I did it to the Saab too, but it was never photographed) I just used a ruler to set out dots for the circle. I’d first do four on the cardinal points, then four in between them, and then eight, et cetera, until I had like, a whole shitload of them, and then I just used them as a guide when I went a-razoring the masking tape. And they didn’t come out all that bad. Any irregularities in the finished product were more due to sub-par painting on my part than the original dottage. But I assume you are just using surface brush paint or something, so perhaps your parameters differ.

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