thanks, hobbit… 8)

i was thinking about simply not posting today, because everybody else will be posting 9.11 stuff and i am totally not interested in buying into remembering an atrocity perpetrated by criminals, both foreign and domestic, and even moreso because i don’t buy into the whole “fear of terrorists” and giving up basic rights in the name of “homeland security” thing (there’s a whole other rant floating around out there about how the only people to use the word “homeland” do so to evoke fear into the hearts of their fellow human beings in order to manipulate them – like the nazis), to say the least… but then i saw a post by my friend howlin’ hobbit about the 11th of september being the 100th anniversary of satyagraha, and that’s a cause i can get firmly behind…

and besides, i’ve got a list of interesting links about brain injury, starting with the wikipedia article on cerebral arteriovenous malformation and taking off from there into craniotomy and trephanation, and, from there into the WHO surgical instructions on burr holes, and finally an interview with a trephanee who underwent the operation in 2000 and recommends against it.