i was thinking about simply not posting today, because everybody else will be posting 9.11 stuff and i am totally not interested in buying into remembering an atrocity perpetrated by criminals, both foreign and domestic, and even moreso because i don’t buy into the whole “fear of terrorists” and giving up basic rights in the name of “homeland security” thing (there’s a whole other rant floating around out there about how the only people to use the word “homeland” do so to evoke fear into the hearts of their fellow human beings in order to manipulate them – like the nazis), to say the least… but then i saw a post by my friend howlin’ hobbit about the 11th of september being the 100th anniversary of satyagraha, and that’s a cause i can get firmly behind…
and besides, i’ve got a list of interesting links about brain injury, starting with the wikipedia article on cerebral arteriovenous malformation and taking off from there into craniotomy and trephanation, and, from there into the WHO surgical instructions on burr holes, and finally an interview with a trephanee who underwent the operation in 2000 and recommends against it.
i am extremely lucky in that i don’t (yet) have neurological problems that require medication or treatment, but that doesn’t mean that i won’t at some point in the future, and until i get some kind of coverage, i’m essentially in the same boat. it’s getting harder and harder to have any problem that doesn’t directly relate to some war somewhere, and even then it’s like pulling teeth to get anything out of “them”…
I just want to be seen, that’s all! I’m going to describe the more advanced problems and ask for a second opinion, maybe that will help me get the help and money I apparently am due, but can’t get due to the only brain injury specialist in my area saying theres nothing wrong with me day to day even after she told me not to use a bath or cooker on my own whilst having problems!
I can’t believe some of the ways they have and are trying to treat people and just hope those 6,000 (or is it 8,000) US troops coming home with head injuries from fighting abroad are treated without ruining their chances at having at least some semblance of normality for the rest of their lives.
As i become more and more aware of what brain injuries are I’ve come across people that didn’t even know the risks, realise they had taken damage, all sorts of crap stories like that. The rule “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” just doesn’t work where head injuries are concerned!
my interest in brain injury primarily comes as a result of my own injury, but i’m sure if i read those links, i will find even more reason to despise what “they” have done…
First of all:
“Current music: Aqualung – Jethro Tull, Aqualung”
Kick ass song indeed!!
Next…to go along with your brain injury info here are a couple of links and stories that I really didn’t have the time to look into:
Money for Brain Injury Treatment for Troops Slashed. … which one neurology expert has called the signature injury of the war in Iraq
Troops risk undetected brain injury
Iraq: A Marine’s Experience of Brain Injury
Show these stories to any of those yellow ribbon “support the troops” phonies that also support the Bush Crime Family.
Oh and thanx for all the great comments and links u leave on my blog 🙂