i (meaning Hybrid Elephant) will be at the Punk Rock Flea Market at 2407 1st Ave. in Belltown tomorrow, with a whole bunch of incense, deity statues, jewelry and other miscellaneous good stuff. doors open at 10:00 am, and there will be live music starting at 6:00 pm. see you there!
Daily Archives: Friday, 20070914
it works! 8) i am now posting from my renovated computer!
and, because of the fact that i’ve got many other things to deal with at this point, i’ll post one of those web-quiz things… Continue reading HOORAY!
hooray… i think…
my disks from cheapbytes arrived today, and feisty fawn is installing at this very moment… which gives me the very strong impression that it actually was the disk from canonical that was wonky, and not the CD-ROM drive or the hard disk.
also, tomorrow is the first day of ganesha chaturthi… so… happy ganesha chaturthi everyone! 8)
now, back to my install. hopefully i will have a functioning computer again shortly.