i am a terrorist… i agree with britain.

‘War on terror’ has been a ‘disaster’: British think tank

LONDON (AFP) — The US-led “war on terror” has been a “disaster” and Washington and its allies must change their policy in Iraq and Afghanistan to defeat Al-Qaeda, an independent global security think tank said Monday.

The Oxford Research Group (ORG) said in a report that Western strategy since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States had failed to extinguish the threat from Islamist extremism and even fuelled it.

“Every aspect of the war on terror has been counterproductive in Iraq and Afghanistan, from the loss of civilian life through mass detentions without trial. In short, it has been a disaster,” report author Paul Rogers said.

“Western countries simply have to face up to the dangerous mistakes of the past six years and recognise the need for new policies.” Continue reading i am a terrorist… i agree with britain.