that didn’t take long…

so on 10 january, i filed a support ticket with my new host provider,, that email wasn’t working the way it was supposed to. two days later, i learned that my clients’ email, and the BSSB mailing list wasn’t working at all, and i filed a support ticket about that, as well. on the 14th, they (finally) responded saying that the mail servers had been fixed. then, on 15 january, i got an email saying that mailing lists were now forbidden, and if i had a mailing list on my account on the 17th, my account would be suspended. i wrote back to them, asking if they were serious about suspending my account two days after they had helped me get my mailing list working, and their response was “yes”…


but at the same time, i got email from my previous host provider, apparently he felt guilty for saying that he wanted to raise my rates almost 300% (from $5 a month to $18 a month). i wrote back to him saying that it was all well and good that he was feeling guilty, but what was preventing him from doing the same thing again in a month, or five, when he, once again, discovers that he isn’t making enough money from me. his response was to send me a .pdf of a document that says he will charge me $6.50 a month for the life of the account.

so i switched back.

the thing that’s really amazing is that he took me from a backup to being up and running in a little more time – 15 minutes or so – than the time it took him to download the backup from my old host… and that includes all of my databases, my email addresses and my mailing list.

i find this somewhat unusual. nobody has ever tried to get me back as a customer. usually if i decide not to be somebody’s customer any longer, it is for a very specific reason which the person has no intent of changing. this guy said that he actually felt guilty for asking to raise my rates, and as soon as he had a way to continue running his company without raising my rates, he emailed me immediately. (the second to the last host) was saying that my email address was sending mail to 50 addresses at once (which is true) and that this was causing unusual server stress. i know from my days at openwave that 5,000 emails a day isn’t uncommon (i’ve even still got a script that sends anywhere from 100 to 100,000,000 emails to any address or addresses you put in to it, but it only works with openwave mail server software), especially for a mail server that has a lot of users, so i was sort of wondering why it was a problem, to which they responded that they were afraid some spammer would gain access to my mailing list and have their IP address blacklisted. they obviously chose the wrong person to accuse of being a potential spammer.

and the fact that on top of the email problems which were what the previous host provider was balking at doesn’t hurt his chances either… 😉

now as long as it stays this way for a few months, maybe i’ll have the chance to wind down from this semi-permanent state of panic that i’ve been in ever since december of 2008, when i decided to switch from drizzle to 1&1…

The Church of Tina Chopp got this piece of other news, i went to check my PO box today and found this very amusing letter:

L.J.M. Steijn
Juliana van StolBergstraat 30
2805 CN Gouda
The Netherlands

P.O. Box 1864
WA 98354

Gouda, 10 January 2010

Dear Tina Chopp,

My name is Leo Steijn and I live in the Netherlands.

I have look at your very interesting site, and for more information must I be contacted the Church, What I now do.

Please, gife me if you will more information about the Snake Destiny and what he is theach, also the secrets about bizarre sex.

Another question, is your church also be present in the Netherlands? If so, than I like it to come in contact with your members. Can you please bring me in contact with them. I will be very thankfull for it!

I hope to hear soon of you.

With kindest regards,

Leo Steijn

i don’t have e-mail

gee, where do i even start with this letter…? i know a couple of people who live in the netherlands, but i’m not sure if they would be willing to contact this guy about the Church of Tina, and even if they were willing, i’m not sure they’re properly prepared to be representatives of the Church, but at the same time, what other choice do i have?

5 thoughts on “that didn’t take long…”

  1. it makes me wonder if rev. stang has received a similar message…

    by the way, your comments look suspiciously like spam, especially since i don’t really know who you are. i deleted the one that looked the most like spam… i didn’t put you on my “don’t correspond with this spammer” list, but it would be wise to advertise in another, less spammy, way in the future. you have been warned.

  2. I got a very similar letter, in regards to The Church Of MOO, from the same person.
    It would be nice if he included an email address. Perhaps he just wants a personalized letter from the leaders of such organizations while they are still small, in hopes one of them grows to the point of the letters being collectors items. Or something. I dunno.

  3. What would Tina do?

    Deny all knowledge, claim she was being harassed by crazies based on a decades-old mushroom adventure that had nothing to do with her, and report it to the authorities.

    What would Ebeneezer do? Crawl down the toilet, come back up in someone else’s apartment and go exploring when everyone’s gone away, and eventually be lost to rumor.

    Methinks the church offers profound wisdom.

    I wouldn’t completely underestimate the guy’s sense of humor, though. He may be scouting for an alternative weird religion.

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