another week closer to the eschaton…

happy VD. i hope you don’t get VD

Arrest Warrant Issued for Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharrafwhat did i tell you? the answer is 3 years and approximately 60 days… 😐

Rights groups vow to hunt Bush over torturemore good news… 😉

Algeria shuts down internet and Facebook as protest mounts – first tunisia, then egypt, now algeria… the united states is not far behind, although whether we end up with a democracy or a dictatorship depends highly upon whether the people with guns are the republicans or the libertarians…

It’s Official: FOX News Makes Stuff Up! – no further commentary necessary.

Food Bubble Collapse Threatens Survival Of Human Civilization – nice knowing you…

FBI can obtain phone records without oversight – so if you make international calls, be careful what you say…

Why do they hate science, and why are they so miserable? – Patrick Moore is better placed than anyone to describe how environmentalism started out with positive intentions, and developed such anti-science and human-hostile beliefs.

The 11-Year Old American Girl Who Knows More About Guantánamo Than Most US Lawmakers – once again, it has been proved, without a doubt, that our government is NOT Smarter Than A Fifth Grader™

Handlers’ beliefs influence drug-sniffing dogs’ performance – more reason to refuse a request to have a drug-sniffing dog “clear” you before letting you pass that police checkpoint…

MPAA Snags Google Downloading Torrents, Threatens to Disconnect – don’t be… evil? it would be funny if it weren’t so twisted and wrong…

and, speaking of google, What Does Google’s Subtle Censorship Say About Us? – there are a lot more important things to worry about than music piracy, but what does “Don’t-Be-Evil” google choose to focus on…? COPYING IS NOT THEFT!

What the Bible Really Says About Sex – if the bible doesn’t say what you want, get new experts and examine it again…

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