another week closer to the eschaton…

The real challenge for Internet freedom? US hypocrisy. And there’s no app for that.

How Close Are We to a Nano-based Surveillance State?Little Brother is watching you…

Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators – he’s watching senators, as well… why is more outrage not being expressed about this kind of thing? 😐

and, instead of going after terrorists, Arvada Police arrest 11-year-old over ‘inappropriate’ stick figure drawing

Alaska lawmaker refuses TSA pat-down at Seattle airport – i thought state representatives had TSA immunity… but the fact that – apparently – they don’t is a good way to get the law changed… especially when they choose to go back to alaska by ferry rather than submit to TSA groping. despite sarah palin, alaska still appears to have some brains in their leadership…

Charges initiated against Pope for crimes against humanity – it’s the end of the world as we know it… and, personally, i hope they take him down. 🙂

Airports to introduce self-scan check-in for terrorists

U.S. re-starts secret testing of the word ‘nuke-u-lor’