moe just got home. she took mango to work with her today, in a travel cage.
lucy (the dog) spends most of her free time – and a significant portion of time that she should be doing important things like eating – staring at mango. before mango got here, she stared at stanley. now she stares at mango. before stanly, she stared at the cats. it was actually kind of funny when she tried to herd them… she was almost successful, but that is another story. now she’s staring at mango, in his travel cage…
except mango moved to his perch when she was outside… nevertheless, for about 10 minutes, she was staring at an empty cage…
unfortunately, something alerted her (perhaps mango chirped, or stanley said something) and she realised that she was off-target…
actually, i’m kinda disappointed. if she stared at an empty cage, we wouldn’t have to tell her to leave it all the time, and it’s almost getting to the point where that’s all we do… oh well…
she was back staring at the empty cage this morning… this could be a trend… 🙂
haha! that is so funny. i can imagine how it would become annoying though, if she’s doing it constantly.