
Santa's Little Helper
"Santa’s" Little Helper

6th December is Krampusnacht in northern european countries. Krampus is sort of an opposite analogue to Santa Claus: Santa rewards good children, Krampus punishes bad children. He is also known as Schwartze Peter, Knecht Ruprecht, Bellsnickel, and Schmutzli. it is said that krampus punishes the extra bad children by stuffing them in a basket and taking them to spain.

it’s weird how “hell” for northern european folks is equivalent to “spain”…

6th december is also the day that the popularly voted law in washington legalising cannabis for personal use takes effect. everybody from state patrol down to local city cops are now no longer allowed to bust people for posession. it’s still illegal to smoke outside, but we could say the same thing about drinking alcohol… of course the DUI laws are now thrown into a confusing controversy, and it’s still illegal on the federal and international levels, but one step at a time…

i think it’s time to SMOKE POT now… 😀