
we’re (finally) getting the mortgage on our house refinanced. i went to the bank today, to get a cashier’s check for the closing amount (which we are going to get mostly refunded, because there’s an escrow amount that gets transferred from the old lender to the new lender, or some gawdawful bullcrap like that… i’ve never understood how these things work), and the lady behind the teller’s window said that, because of the amount that we have in savings, she was going to check and see if it might be possible to waive the $8.00 fee that she was going to charge to write out the cashier’s check for me…

yeah, if i had nothing in savings, she would have charged me the $8.00 fee, but because of the fact that she was dealing with “someone who has money”, she was willing to waive the fee. this is EXACTLY the reason we are going to be banking with someone other than JPMorgan/Chase bank when this is all over, but that wasn’t the funny part.

the funny part was that, apparently, i hadn’t just gone into another branch of JPMorgan/Chase bank, i had gone into a branch of the Chase “Private Client” bank, so i got the opportunity to talk with the “Assistant Vice President Private Client Banker” (it says so on her business card) who fell all over herself and frothed at the mouth when i didn’t immediately say that i wasn’t interested. she assured me that it wouldn’t cost me anything extra if i were to switch to the “Private Client” bank, which would mean that i would, never again, have to “stand in the teller line and explain what i needed 5 million times”, because “private clients” have their own, personal banker, who comes to them when they need a cashier’s check, or to make a deposit, and there are so many “other benefits” to being a private client…

i don’t know why — i guess i was just trying to be polite and get out of there as quickly as possible — but i didn’t tell her how vehemently i HATE JPMorgan/Chase bank, which only made her desire to suck me in even more obvious. i walked out with a cashier’s check for the closing amount of our mortgage and a whole bunch of “private client” information in an envelope, and a spiral-bound notebook (with metal spiral binding — only the best for the “private clients”) and she even threw in a ball-point pen in a little box… and she told me that she would call me (although i didn’t give her my phone number) in a month or so to “remind” me, if i hadn’t made the switch by then.

you can rest assured, that if i ever get a phone call from her, i am going to tell her EXACTLY where she can shove it.


yesterday, i got an incense order for ambica hare rama special flora… over the telephone… 😐

first, the guy wanted to know if i had any hare rama incense. i told him that i did, then he hung up. then he called back, and wanted to know how many boxes i had. i told him, and then he hung up again…

so i went in to check and make sure that i actually had 41 boxes, and it turned out that i only had 34 boxes… but before i had the chance to call him again, he called back again, and wanted to know why he couldn’t pay without a paypal account. i told him that he could pay, even without a paypal account, and talked him through the process. paypal apparently wouldn’t accept his shipping address, about which there is nothing that i can do, and i told him so…

and he hung up again…

oops, i forgot to tell him about only having 34 boxes of incense. but before i could dig his phone number out of my semi-smart phone, he called back AGAIN, and told me that paypal wouldn’t accept his shipping address, and wondered if there was any way to place an order that didn’t involve the web site… πŸ˜›

i HATE taking orders from out-of-state customers over the telephone, principally because i don’t have a way to process credit cards other than through paypal, and i told him so. he suggested a snail-mail payment using a money order — i haven’t even heard of a money order for, like, 15 or 20 years… i didn’t even know they still existed… 😐 — but, apparently, they still exist, AND (apparently) they’re STILL a more trusted method of payment than a cheque.

they just take longer… because of the fact that this guy is ordering from bowdoinham, maine, it will take a week or so until his payment reaches me, during which time, theoretically, it is possible for somebody else to buy exactly the same incense, and (because i only have 34 boxes), if that were to happen, then it would take even longer for me to get his order to him.

after i took care of his immediate worries, i started calling around to find more ambica hare rama incense. both of my “regular” suppliers don’t carry it, so i checked, and the place i got it from last time (in 2006) was the “old time hippie” incense supplier with whom i originally started this business (in 1998), who is flakier than a croissant and doesn’t even answer his phone most of the time these days… and when he does, he inevitably wants to suck me into an hour-long, off-topic conversation about how durbar incense is much more preferable than masala incense, and nobody carries durbar incense any longer, and… which is one of the reasons i don’t use his services any longer.

so, once again, i am down to writing to someone with a gmail.com address, IN INDIA, to POSSIBLY get this obscure incense that nobody else carries in the united states any longer…

i really should start charging a lot more to do this… 😐