i was expecting a package on friday. friday came and went, and there was no package. apparently the postal delivery person wasn’t our “regular” postal delivery person, who knows that packages get delivered behind the gate, because we got a slip in our mailbox when we got home, that said that the package was available for pickup at the (third-most distant) post-office after saturday…
which was okay, because we were at the beach until saturday anyway, so i went down to the (third-most distant) post-office today and picked up the package. it was fairly large, which was exciting, but it was suspiciously light, which could mean a number of things, not the least of which were it not containing what i was expecting, or the fact that what i was expecting was made out of expanded polyurathane foam… neither of which turned out to be true, strangely enough.
i opened the package…
to find a smaller package and a whole bunch of air-pillow packing doodads… which is actually really cool in itself, because i use air-pillow packaging materials when i send out packages of incense, and the air-pillows are the small variety that i use all the time.
inside that package i foundmore packaging materials, and another box…
which was really jammed in there solidly. it took several minutes and a great deal of cursing to get it free without harming the inner box…
which contained…
an expanded polyurathane foam insert that was also EXTREMELY difficult to remove. the urgency for removing it carefully was emphasised by the cryptic japanglish note that said
Please unpack the product with care to avoid damage and injury. The product is packaged:
☐ With ______ pcs of accessories ☐ Without accessory
the result?
a 5½" x 3½" x 2½" statue out of a 9" x 9" x 18" box.
it’s a cold-cast bronze, hand-painted statue, and it is exceptional quality, but it came with 96.7% packaging and only 3.3% product…
wow. awesome piece. dunno why a slect few think they have to pack so much junk. guess best that way. good that the stuff can be reused.
hope you have a great day…………..
am thinkin’ of ya…………