i am now the owner of a rosy boa constrictor named Ebeneezer Squeezer II… Praise The Holy Snake! 🙂
Daily Archives: Wednesday, 20140813
i went to the Festival Of The River in arlington, to perform with members of my karass, i.e. The New Old Time Chautauqua, specifically, with The Fighting Instruments of Karma Marching Chamber Band/Orchestra, for which i am, now, the default official substitute tuba player… which means that if the regular and/or scheduled tuba player can’t make it (there are at least 7 of us, and i only know three of them), i’m the first one that gets called.
or something like that…
anyway, that was last weekend. because of the fact that i was marching (i.e. moving my body in a more-or-less upright position, using my feet, and playing my tuba at the same time) over uneven terrain, i completely blew out my embrochure, which is a little scary, because we have a snake suspenderz gig this weekend. i’m pretty sure i will have recovered enough by then to be able to actually play, rather than making weak, mewling noises, but at this point, i’m not 100% sure yet.
i don’t like marching that much, and i like marching on uneven ground even less. it looks fancy to have a marching band marching around the festival, but if it is on unpaved pathways, it has the distinct possibility of leaving the brass players with permanent injuries that affect their ability to play their instruments.
anyway, i went and got new pages for my flip-folder, and a new lyre, so that i can march and actually read the music without having it flapping all over the place (and i can not believe that there is NO online definition of a lyre, which is a small, portable music stand that attaches to an instrument — or, in the case of some flute lyres, to the musician themselves — for use in marching bands. seriously… there’s one sentence about lyres in the entry for Music Stand at wikipedia, but that’s it… no pictures, no descriptions… nothing. everything else is about the lyre which actually is (or, rather, used to be) a stringed instrument used by the ancient greeks, which is the predecessor of the lute and guitar. disgraceful, internet… totally disgraceful! 😐 ).
i demolished the front porch three weeks ago, with the impression that it would be replaced that weekend.
little did i know, at the time, how intensely long and drawn out the process would actually be…
today, three weeks later, we STILL can’t go in and out through our front door. today, for the first time in three weeks, i actually used the front door to exit the house (which is a wonderful feeling, let me tell you), but i can’t actually get off the deck without jumping, because the stairs, which are made and sitting on the deck, are not yet installed. he’s allegedly coming back tomorrow to “finish” a project that he said was going to be finished THREE WEEKS AGO… i’ll be glad to see him go, when he finally goes, but i’ll believe he’s going to finish tomorrow when i actually see it. 😡
at least he’s done a good job… i’d be really pissed if we had to replace the deck again soon. it appears, at this point anyway, that we probably won’t be replacing it, but the next owners of the house may.
also, this is a message for rosemary. i understand that you can’t reply, because of your email problems, but i may be able to help you with that. i’m replying to your most recent snail-mail letter to me, and i will include more details with that. basically, if you would like, i can set up an email address for you at hybridelephant.com, and you can access it over the web, just like you did at yahoo, but with less hacking… i’ll include more details in my letter, which should get sent out by friday, 15 august.