just because i no longer have an address @spamcop.net DOES NOT indicate that i am any less than totally annoyed by spam messages that get sent my way.
an example could be found this morning, when i woke up, logged into my email client and discovered that i had over 1500 individual messages “From:” myself which were HTML formatted messages in brazilian portugese (indicating that, in reality, they were not “From:” myself), and, as i sat there and watched, another 500 messages appeared and were downloaded within the space of 5 minutes…
they all appear to have originated on cloudapp.net, which is owned by microsoft. it was set up on a “host” that is called zpx09.cloudapp.net, but it doesn’t have a whois or mx entry, which doesn’t surprise me a great deal, but what does surprise me is that there appears to be a script interface at http://zpx09.cloudapp.net/caminho-ranger-32.php which looks like this:

great… now i can send my own spam. unfortunately, but not surprisingly, there is no indication to who the script belongs, but my guess is that if i write to microsoft, they will, eventually, take the script down and ban zpx09.cloudapp.net, if nothing else…
and while i was writing this, another 700 messages came in… time to block brazil, again. 😕
ETA: as of 6:00 pm there are 1500 more messages, for a grand total of over 3000 in a 12 hour period… and microsoft doesn’t even seem to care… 😐