- 2019, 13 shares, $520 – $40 per share
- 2018, 11 shares, $330 – $30 per share
- 2017, ?? shares, $480
- 2016, 15 shares, $600 – $45 per share
- 2015,
- 2014,
- 2013, 14 shares, $490 – $35 per share
- 2012, 16 shares, $720 – $45 per share
- 2011, 14 shares…
once again, i am encouraged to “donate” my shares to the continuation of the moisture festival.
not likely. 😒
I don’t mind them being little shares, because I really love the Moisture Festival. but they are *my* shares cuz I worked for them.
this year, as you know, they (mostly) paid for my new street amp. I just had to come up with the tax.
i don’t mind the small shares, what i mind is that there has NEVER been a year when the Fremont Philharmonic has been offered two weeks of performances, and, a couple years ago, they were talking about having one show band — former FKB ettinger’s “professional” band — for the entire run.
if it weren’t for the Fremont Philharmonic, they wouldn’t even have HAD a band for the second moisture festival EVER: the first year they put on the moisture festival, it was two nights in a tent: the first night the Fremont Phil played, and the second night the Zebra Kings were SUPPOSED to play, but they never showed up.
if it weren’t for the fact that the Phil just HAPPENED to be hanging around back stage at the tent that evening, they wouldn’t have even HAD a band!
and they “pay us back” by NOT offering US more than a week of performances, or even acknowledging that the Phil has consistently been there for the festival, ever since the beginning… 😒