i made a necklace that i’m particularly proud of:

i can’t decide whether it’s art, or jewelry… or possibly both… and spiritually oriented, as well: the “penis” is a sivalingam, and the “testicles” are a gauri shankar, which is two naturally-joined rudrakshas.
it doesn’t have any real “traditional” meaning, at least not as far as i know, so it may represent what they call “cultural appropriation”, but, if it does, i don’t care, because it doesn’t represent that to me. to me it represents all of the best that can be represented by Ṣíva and Ganeṣa… and it looks awesome, and, perhaps, a little bit silly. 🤪 there is more about gauri shankar and sivalingam available for those who may be interested.
i might be convinced to sell it — maybe, at some undefined future time — but i think i would charge at least $500 for it… maybe more. 😉
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is an auspicious and rare form of Rudraksha which represents the divine unification of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. This Rudraksha features two naturally joined Rudrakhas symbolizing the mind and soul. This mystic Rudraksha helps awaken the inner conscious, opens up the Hrit Padma Chakra, aligns oneself with Universal love, helps in meditation, and harmonizes relationships of the wearer.
Praying over this Rudraksha uplifts a person spiritually and evokes a state of love which is pure and universal. This supreme Rudraksha also helps in promoting family peace and family harmony.
A unified form of Shiva and Shakti:
Gauri Shankar rudraksha is the Unified form of Shiva & Shakti represented by two naturally joined rudraksha. It opens up the Hrit Padma chakra and attracts peace, harmony and abundance in the wearer’s life. Hrit Padma chakra is the spiritual heart which is the abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi. It is variously described as a lotus with 8, 16, or 1000 petals, being golden, red, or white of colour; inside of the lotus there are circular regions of sun, moon, and fire and in the centre of the Chakra, there are a whishing-tree (kalpavriksha), a throne consisting of Matrika letters (symbolizing the spiritual heart of the aspirant) on which he/she should place his or her Ishtadevata in meditation, and an altar.
Gauri Shankar which is the Unison of Male (Yang) Shiva and female (Yin) Shakti is the most powerful Rudraksha for spiritual wholeness. According to ancient philosophy, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness. In manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or aspects, neither of which can exist without the other. One aspect retains a static quality and remains identified with unmanifest consciousness. In Tantra this quality is called Shiva, and is conceptualized as masculine. The other part of this polarity is a dynamic, energetic, or creative aspect that is called Shakti, the great mother of the universe, for it is from her that all is born.
Spiritual wholeness or unity is key to the personal ascension process. Unless we attain wholeness or unity within our spiritual selves, we will not be able to ascend or reach higher consciousness. Spiritual wholeness or unity is simply the balancing, harmonizing and uniting of our inner male/sun/yang and our inner female/moon/yin. When we unite our inner male and female, we birth the son which is our Christ Consciousness which is our connection to our higher self. Spiritual wholeness is achieved when the female or earth/yin lower chakras unite and balance with the male or heaven/yang upper chakras within the heart chakra of the individual.
It is in the heart center that the union of the female and male (Yin/Yang) energies takes place. In other words, when the two opposite and complementary energies within each one of us occurs, then Cosmic Consciousness awakens in the ego of a seeker, the bud becomes a rose and unfolds the quality of unconditional love in his/her mystical heart.
Puranas state that wearer of Gauri Shankar becomes Lord Shiva Incarnate. A mala of Gauri Shankar beads is most popularly worn by Saints and spiritual seekers.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha ruling planet:
Planet Venus rules the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. The Venus being its ruling planet bestows charm, magnetism, radiance and a glowing aura to the wearer.
Importance of Gauri Shankar Rudraksha:
The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha helps promote family peace and family harmony.
The Gauri Shankar is a potent and beautiful healing symbol and a mode of worship for one’s connection with the universal consciousness.
It attracts suitable partnerships in the wearer’s personal and professional life.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha benefits:
Using the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha bead helps improve the wearer’s knowledge of his or her existence and awareness within the Brahmand (universe).
It influences every sphere of the wearer’s life towards a positive direction: whether it be work, leisure, family, marriage, children or other activities like sports and business.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Mantra:
“Om Aim Hreem Yugal rupanaye Namah”
How to wear Gauri Shankar Rudraksha:
Get up early on a Friday morning, bathe and wear clean clothes. Now sit facing the East direction chant the Mantra “Om Aim Hreem Yugal rupanaye Namah” 108 times and wear the Rudraksha. The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha may be worn in silk/wool thread or capped in silver or gold. You can wear this bead around your neck as a single bead or as a mala on neck in counts of 27+1, 32+1, 54+1 beads.
How to check whether the bead is an original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
In order to check whether the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha bead is original or not, you must test the Rudraksha according to the following simple steps. Observe the Rudraksha bead carefully and see whether the lines (Mukhis) are complete and runs from one end to the other without breaking and whether the bead is not tempered. Now put this Rudraksha bead inside a glass full of warm water for an hour or two, now remove this bead and check there are any glued surfaces and joints. If the bead is original put it to dry and later wear it according to the process mentioned above.
Things to be kept in mind before you buy Gauri Shankar Rudraksha online:
Before purchasing a Rudraksha it is always advisable to check whether the Rudraksha dealers are certified and sell genuine beads and in this business since a long time. Compare the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha price from the shortlisted dealers and then buy the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. The original Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a rare and divine asset which must be treasured.
Significance of Shiva Lingam
The Shiva lingam is a representation of the Hindu divinity Shiva and is used for worship in temples and homes. In traditional Indian culture, the Shiva linga is fairly seen as an image of the energy and capability of Lord Shiva Himself. The Shiv linga is often represented alongside the yoni, a symbol of Goddess Shakti, the female creative energy. The union of Shiva linga and Yoni speaks of the “unbreakable two-in-unity of male and female, the passive space and active time from which all life originates”. Shiv linga represents the Cosmic Egg (‘Brahmanda’ in Sanskrit) which has neither a starting nor an end. It is believed that this evolving world (‘Jagat’ in Sanskrit) eventually merges or breaks down into the formless system. In this way, the Shiva lingam is the most straightforward indication of development.
Shiva linga is the holy union of lingam and yoni and represents the “indivisible two-in-oneness of male and female, Prakriti and Purusha, the passive space and active time from which all life originates. The Lingam is seen as a symbol of the energy and potential of God, Shiva Himself and is represented alongside the yoni, a symbol of Shakti, the female creative energy.
more information about sivalingam
Lord Shiva is a part of Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and is associated with Moksha which is relief from the cycle of birth and death.
By Moksha, He is actually taking us out from the illusionary world of Kama, Krodha, Moha, Mada and Lobha and making us realize who we are and what is our true purpose of existence. Thus the power of destruction of Lord Shiva has a great purifying power on a universal level. The destruction opens the path for a new creation of the universe, a new opportunity for the beauty and drama of universal illusion to unfold. Being Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram which denotes the Truth, Goodness and Beauty, Lord Shiva represents the essence of impeccable goodness and godliness. Shivaratri puja performed on the Festival called Maha Shivratri invites the blessings of Lord Shiva and His divine consort, Goddess Parvati.
His favorite ornament is Rudraksha which He wears on his arms, wrists, neck, waist and hair mat. He holds a snake coiled around His neck, a Trishul, drum and Kamdalu in hand and wears a tiger skin. His body is smeared with ash.
In Hindu mythology there are various forms of meditations and different paths for yogis but Shiva represents the art of meditation in its most absolute form. In meditation, not only mind is made still but everything is dropped. In deep meditation or Samadhi, even the object of the meditation (like a mantra, Tantra or Yantra) is transformed into its formless essence, which is the essence of absoluteness and “Purna”(completeness). Thus Shiva stands for letting go everything in the world of forms. The path of Lord Shiva is undoubtedly the path of the ascetic yogi.
All Avtars (Forms) of Lord Shiva
Shiva has different forms: The first being Aghora (which resides in the cremation grounds), then Ishana (most often appears as the Shivalingam), the third being “Tat Purusha” where He is meditating, then Varna Deva (the eternally auspicious Shiva) and then Sadyojat or Braddha Rudra (the old wrathful form). The last also forms of the Lord has the deepest connection to the Rudrakshas and Rudrakshas mala – a rosary made of the dried fruits of the Rudraksha tree.
Yet another form is the Nataraj, where the Lord Shiva Nataraj’s dance implies both the destruction and the creation of the universe and reveals the cycles of death, birth and rebirth. His Dance of Bliss is for the welfare of the world. In the pose of Nataraj, the King of Dance is giving darshan to his beloved devotees within the “Hall of Consciousness”, which is the heart of the human. Under his feet, Shiva crushes the demon of ignorance called Apasmara Purusha, caused by forgetfulness. One hand is stretched across his chest and points towards the uplifted foot, indicating the release from earthly bondage of the devotee. The fire represents the final destruction of creation, but the dance of the Nataraj is also an act of creation, which arouses dormant energies and scatters the ashes of the universe in a pattern that will be the design of the ensuing creation.
Then in His Mahamrityunjaya form, Lord Shiva is depicted as the great conqueror of death and giver of immortality. The Mahamrityunjaya mantra is one of the two main mantras of the Vedas, next to the Gayatri mantra. It is chanted to eradicate death and disease.
Another main form of Shiva is Ardhnarishwara, half Shiva, half Shakti.