he lived a normal cat life up until last saturday, when he stopped eating, which we figured was because of his IBS, from which he has suffered for a few years now. we medicated his IBS, and things seemed to be getting better on monday, but then he quit eating again, and today he developed a fever, so i took him in to the vet, and they discovered a “mass” in his abdomen, which, thanks to exploratory surgery (which i got to watch!!), was determined to be two fairly large cancerous tumours in his small intestine… at which point moe and i decided that it would be better to euthanise him than it would be to wake him up so that WE could “have more time with him”…

so sorry to hear about Frank.
there’s a special term for folk who let their pet suffer because “they want more time with them.”
the term is “asshole.”
it’s a hard damn decision, but once you take charge of their little lives you *have to* make that decision.