on 250203, Le Journal de Montreal had #drumpf on their cover, with the word STUPID(E) below it.

this inspired me to create a subversive button that i’ve been thinking about creating since the first time he was in office…
so i did.
there is a page of artwork for 1.5″ buttons at https://przxqgl.info/images/250205-trump-sucks-1.5-button.pdf
1) download, and print the above linked page (it’s 113MB, so it may take a few minutes)
2) cut them out — i use a special device that is intended to cut precise circles, but you can use scissors or a knife if you’re only making one
3) put the resulting artwork into your handy, dandy, 1.5-inch button press. don’t have one? email me at rev dot deluxe at gmail dot com with your mailing address, and i’ll make one button and mail it to you, totally free of charge.
(if you want more than one button, they’re $1.50 a piece, but if you’re only ordering one, you don’t have to worry about payment.)
VOILÁ! your very own TRUMP SUCKS button!