we got the car back from the body shop on monday. it was all shiny and new-looking, which is pretty dramatically different from what it looked like the last time i saw it… hopefully it will stay like this for a while… i expect it to collect road dirt, but not a deer.
this is weird. i’m sitting here waiting for an autosave, so that i can switch platforms and get the updated version of this post on a different platform… and it worked. very strange indeed.
thanks to , i found a resource for filing a "formal DMCA notification" without having to spend money for a lawyer, and as a result, the whole "offending" page at tokerlounge dot com has been taken down. that’s not to say that he’s still not hot linking other web sites, because, in fact, he is… and being the concientious businessman that i am, i went ahead and notified the four other sites that i was able to find (which is not to say there aren’t more, i just found four others in my idle perusing of his site) about this, so it’s likely that soon the whole site will come down and/or be completely redone with a different background (because one of the images that they’re hot linking is the background for the whole site). i don’t have anything in particular against this guy, but the fact that he hot links graphics means that it’s likely that he’s ignorant enough to get infected with a trojan or something like that, which would affect a lot more people than just christian hartmann.
the enlightened rantings of a brain damaged freak