according to the latest news from ezra, katharyn is out of the state loony bin again, but i got a call from darol a few days ago asking if i knew how to get in touch with either ezra or katharyn. apparently he’s experienced a “break in” of sorts: someone went into the madhouse kitchen – which is never locked – and “stole” a bunch of kitchenware, including darol’s favourite cast-iron frying pan, which he’s had for the last 30 years, and he thinks katharyn might have taken stuff that she thought was hers… problem is, all of her stuff was cleared out, boxed up and put in storage (at darol’s expense) two years ago, and he’d like to get paid back for the storage. i doubt katharyn has the money to pay darol back, and even if she does, the probability that she will doesn’t seem particularly likely.

if her routine holds, she’ll get into a snit and, when she can’t find anyone in the community who will step forward and bad-mouth darol in public, thus justifying her negative feelings towards him, she will probably file a lawsuit against him… which will probably be a lot more difficult now that she doesn’t have an attorney (she alienated all three of the ones that she had during my 12-year battle with her over custody of ezra, and very likely has not paid them anything)… but i somehow see her not letting that stand in her way, which probably means that she’ll be representing herself… which, if it were anybody else, i’d like to see just for the pure entertainment value, but as it’s the psycho-hose-beast-from-hell, i think i’ll stay away for fear that i’ll set her off and she’ll go after me again…

why didn’t anyone listen to me 15 years ago, when i was saying that the woman was psychotic, but they still wouldn’t let me have custody of my son? and how do i get paid back for all of the costs of paying for my son’s schooling because she was holding him back in order to be eligible for Aid for Families with Dependent Children welfare handouts, child support that i paid to his mother in spite of the fact that he was in my care, the cost of a last-minute transcontinental flight from boston, and legal fees that i was forced to pay for 15 years during the time i was saying this?