random blah

my depression is getting to be more tolerable, but that’s partially because i now have close to 5 days worth of music loaded on my computer. i’m really liking this open-source alternative to iTunes a lot, especially because it apparently has the ability to go out and find the names of the tracks that got lost when i burned them onto windoesn’t-format CDs that abbreviated the names to 8+3. it also apparently has the ability to find track names based on cover art, because i had the album name of an album by The Insect Trust (and there are only two of ’em), but i couldn’t either find, or automate finding the track names. but when i applied cover art to the album, suddenly it knew the track names as well. admittedly, the track names were in the .jpg file that i cut up to get the cover art (the front and back of the album had originally been scanned and then combined into one file), and i figured i would copy them off the other half of the .jpg, but then, suddenly, they were there and i didn’t have to. also it has a script that finds the lyrics to whatever song is playing… although it doesn’t work as well as it could (it can’t find the lyrics for Fliperama by Tom Zé, or Black Cat by Gentle Giant).

also, i got my first incense order of 2008 yesterday, and while it was only $25, it doesn’t take too many orders like that to make a living, and, if i recall correctly, i didn’t get my first incense order of 2007 until february.

i talked to moe last night. she was taken into the pool where the dolphins were, and she got to meet them. she says that if i want, i can go and “meet” the dolphins for a weekend. apparently the husband of one of her co-workers is an employee of the FAA or something like that, and they’re always getting free airline passes to go to various exotic places. and when i’m not “meeting the dolphins”, i’ve got a potential job, of sorts, helping the father of another co-worker get several warehouses full of stuff sold on ebay. of course, it wouldn’t be with moe, because somebody has to stay home and take care of the dogs – there’s no way we’re taking four dogs on a cross country airplane flight – but if things work out the way we’re hoping, moe and the dogs and i will be there together in a year or so.

3 thoughts on “random blah”

  1. Yeah, the cover manager is wonderful. It really helps to keep a lot of my stuff organized. So, excellent and enjoy yourself. amaroK’s also got excellent randomization lists. With a collection like mine, it’s a very nice program to have.

  2. AmaroK is the one…

    i started out “Building a collection”, by clicking the “Configure Folders” button, which went out and found all of my music, and then i used the “Cover Manager” from the tools menu and clicked “Fetch Missing Covers”. it selected a few covers that were not the right ones (for example, it picked “Alison Krauss – A Hundred Miles or More” as the cover of “And More – This Music Is Drugs – The Litany of Drep”), but i’ve got cover art for a lot of obscure stuff, and i was even able to find a cover for “The Residents – Baby Sex”…

  3. Is this AmaroK that you’re using to find titles and other such things? Because I haven’t been able to get it to go and find titles or anything like that. Even with applying cover art.

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