there has been an association made between barack obama and william ayers, which has been debunked and should be all over, but it keeps coming up in spite of all the facts that are currently available. for that matter, there has been a big furor made about barack obama’s middle name, which in spite of the fact that it, too, has been debunked pretty thoroughly, still seems to make people upset, even when the correct information comes from the guy who spread the misinformation to begin with.
which makes me wonder about what they’re going to do with the association between william timmons, recently named head of mccain’s transition team, and saddam hussein – yes, that saddam hussein.
i can see how making an association between a rival candidate and an admitted, but repentant domestic terrorist could have advantages for your campaign, but when the tables are turned, and an association is made between someone influential on your campaign and a known, unrepentant dictator who was executed…
it doesn’t surprise me that politicians and the news media do this to each other, because i know that, fundamentally, politicians and the news media are corrupt. what astounds (and frightens) me, is that there are so many people who buy into everything that the politicians and the news media tell them, without questioning a thing. they’re the ones we’re really gonna have to watch out for, if the election goes the wrong way. there’s no telling what they’re likely to do when the rug is snatched out from under them.