confessions of an ebay vulture…

that’s right, i don’t use ebay often, for buying or selling, but when i want something that’s on ebay, i wait until the last 10 minutes of the auction before i start bidding. that way i am more likely to win, simply because there’s not enough time to respond. i plan these strikes carefully, by selecting a whole bunch of potential items to watch, and then narrowing it down by price, whether it’s exactly what i want or not, and the time that the auction ends. the past couple of days have been a good example. i won a pair of cubic zirconia earrings, two fezzes, and a bunch of jeweled masonic emblems all for less than $50.

i wonder if the more experienced ebay junkies with higher feeback consider this cheating…

2 thoughts on “confessions of an ebay vulture…”

  1. hey, it doesn’t even require a download, which means that i don’t have to worry about whether or not it works with linux…

    on the other hand, it means that somebody, somewhere is monitoring what you buy on ebay…

    my initial response is to continue doing it by hand… that way i have more control over what actually gets purchased, and who knows about it, but i’ll definitely look into it more. if they’ve actually got software to do it, then it is probably not considered “cheating”, which was my major concern.

  2. I’ve never sold anything on eBay, but I’ve bought hundreds of things over the years . (Got burned really badly a couple of years ago, and swore off eBay for over a year, but once you’re hooked, you’re hooked.)

    I’ll tell you, not everyone uses the sniping programs, but I’ve used Auction Sniper ( for a long time, and won things I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. (This is both good and bad, or course.) If you give it a try—they give you three snipes free, just like a drug dealer—please, please mention my e-mail as your referral.

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