suck update

in a dramatic about face, flickr/yahoo actually admitted that was, actually, abusing their priveledges as a flickr API subscriber, and cancelled their account.

the thing that amuses me is the way they put it in the email they sent me:

We’re very sorry for the previous email we sent to you.

The site you reported is abusing Flickr resources, and we will take the appropriate action on their account and Flickr API key.

that’s all very well and good, i suppose, but wouldn’t you rather have done that in the first place, rather than giving me some bullshit answer about rotating my graphics and then rotating them back, when i very clearly said what was wrong right from the very beginning?

i suppose responses like that are among the reasons why i’m not a software tester any longer. i tell people what’s wrong, they tell me it’s not, i tell them it is and show them where, they acknowledge that i’m right, and i get snotty about it.

easy solution: LISTEN TO ME THE FIRST TIME! – which NOBODY has tried… i suppose, adding to the reasons why i’m not a software tester any longer… 😐