it’s the season of senseless, mindless overindulgence. it’s the season of fake good times, fake cheer, fake “good tidings of comfort and joy to men of good will,” while ignoring the plight of the women, and the poor and the underpriveledged for the rest of the year. it’s the season of crowded malls, and crowded shopping centers, and crowded stores, and crowded restaurants, and over-worked and underpaid temporary help who will go back to being unemployed the day after xmas. it’s the season of crummy music that hasn’t changed in 200 years. it’s the season of enormous fake candy canes and fake tinsel bells hanging from street lamps…
it’s the season when big corporations make more profit that they make at any other time of the year, and “normal” people spend more than they have and borrow from the next one to three upcoming months to buy gifts that, for the most part, will not be remembered in a month anyway…
even when it’s not that season, i endeavour to avoid such things at all costs…
happy thanksgiving. 😐
word. 🙂