3 thoughts on “Happy 420!”

  1. providing I don’t blow my recently-nearly-healed strumming finger out trying to busk tomorrow, I’ve been invited to come and do a few tunes at Professor Gall’s gig on Lake City Way. if I do that, wanna join me?

    give me a call if you’re headed up in my direction (bearing in mind that I won’t hear the phone if I’m in the middle of a set, but I’ll get back to you.)

  2. no happy 420 for me. 🙁 I can’t even afford my regular daily smokes. (read that, “jonesing hard after 2 days.”)

    luckily the finger seems to be healing nicely and I ought to be able to go out busking tomorrow. all I have to do is avoid snapping today, right?

    1. you shoulda told me earlier in the day, i coulda come up with the specific intent of smoking you out… it’ll have to wait until tomorrow, now… 😉

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