another week closer to the eschaton…

Daily exercise ‘may prolong life’ – “every single hour of TV watched after the age of 25 shortened the viewer’s life expectancy by just under 22 minutes…”

Pasco couple fear losing home to foreclosure for paying mortgage too early – this is all kinds of wrong…

Obama bans war criminals, except our own – 😡

12-Year-Old Cracks Burglary Case Before Cops – what the fuck, cops clowns? 😡

Actress Roseanne Barr announces presidential bid – if ronald reagan could do it, roseanne is a shoe-in… i’d vote for her over the current crop of politicians who want the job… 8)

Michele Bachmann Is Not a Doctor – you can be arrested for misrepresenting your education with the intent to defraud, can’t you? apparently ms. bachmann doesn’t know this, in spite of her education…

12 days in jail over a faulty drug test – “She is what you call collateral damage in the drug war”… i would have started suspecting that something was wrong when the customs officials started testing used motor oil for illicit drugs… 😐

Marijuana May Ward Off Dementia: Cannabinoids Protect Brain From Aging Processes – but, of course, nobody will do anything with this information, because marijuana is a dangerous drug with no medicinal applications whatsoever… 😐

The perfect place for the perfect crime? – due to an archane and highly convoluted technicality, there is a fairly large section of yellowstone park where you can take drugs, have illicit sex, and even murder people, and the cops can’t do anything about it: hint, it involves at least one “mistake” made by congress in 1889 which nobody has bothered to fix…