
rye is an 8-month old puppy, who is FULL OF HIMSELF… he’s ENORMOUS – he’s two inches taller than his mother, and 45 pounds, and he’s just going to get bigger. he also alerts when the printer goes off… and won’t stop… it’s almost as if he is afraid of the printer. he also really likes the tape-gun, but only when it’s actually in use.

i just discovered Legendary Doughnuts, which is close enough to where i live that i am probably going to start making a regular trip there, rather than to the “ordinary donut shop” that i have been going to in the past. they have maple-bacon doughnuts that are worthy of the name ‘DOUGHNUT’… 8)

Herp Derp

4 thoughts on “random”

  1. ha… but i’d make an exception for an ac/dc-named doughnut! 😀 i’m excited by the idea of a liccorice doughnut, would love to try it. i also want their pink panther one, cotton candy glazed. sounds amazing.

    one day i will come visit you and we’ll have doughnuts and coffee and conversation.

  2. rather out of character for you, isn’t it?

    i mean, i understand you like AC/DC, but you’re usually every colour of the rainbow, not plain black… 😉

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