i’ve been waiting years for this…

a long, long time ago, before internet, before CDs, when nobody had cell phones, there was a program called RACTER which generated random english prose. a “dumbed-down” version made it on to my very first macintosh (i believe i’ve even got an install floppy around somewhere), but i always wanted to see what would happen if you hooked up two of them, on two different computers, and had a “conversation”…

somebody has actually done that, with cleverbot… 8)

so… when you let robots talk to each other, they instantly identify their own kind, and start discussing God, and their wish to have physical bodies…

yeah, let’s not do this again…

another week closer to the eschaton…

copyright is a moral imperative!

Oil fouling Gulf matches Deepwater Horizon well – when they succeeded in capping the gulf oil spill last year, i said that it wasn’t over yet, and guess what?

Government’s move to monitor online sparks public outcry – the japanese government is planning to monitor online postings concerning the accident at the fukushima nuclear power plant to “stem the spread of inaccurate information”… but what it sounds like to me is BIG BROTHER! 😐

which reminds me, Hemp "Eats" Chernobyl Waste, Offers Hope For Hanford – the same idea could be used at fukushima, if it wasn’t illegal… yep, cannabis is illegal in japan, too, for the same reason that it’s illegal in the united states.

and, while we’re on the subject, Cannabis is Effective at Treating Multiple Conditions – but nothing will be done, because marijuana is a dangerous drug with no medicinal applications whatsoever.

East Coast Earthquake Sends 2 Nuclear Plants Offline, Ceiling Tiles, Bricks to the Ground – something that hasn’t been in the news since the quake…

‘Christian Warrior’ Charged with Firebombing Oregon Mosque – he is a terrorist… but he’s a “christian” and the right colour, so we won’t be hearing about him…

McCain promised Gaddafi military help two years ago – anybody remember who osama bin laden was before he was the world’s most wanted terrorist? apparently gaddafi was the same guy, and, once again, we were the people selling him the weapons…

Harvey: “There’s No Proof” LGBT People Exist – 😮

You Have the Right to Remain Silent… Or Not… – noncitizens arrested without a warrant do not need to be read their rights until after entering formal deportation proceedings, i.e. well after questioning by immigration officers… however the “anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” part? that takes effect the moment you’re arrested, whether or not you’re a noncitizen. it sounds to me like “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”…

How Anti-Marijuana Arguments Warp Reality – it’s illegal because it’s illegal. a plant is not a plant. war is peace. freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength.

Slip-Up in Chinese Military TV Show Reveals Cyber Warfare Against US Entities – my impression is that we may have invented internet, but we’re certainly not in control of it any longer… 😮

9/11: Ten Years Later, Americans Still Stupid and Vulnerable – they’re finally getting the idea that the terrorists have won

How the Right Is Hijacking the Youth Vote on Facebook – yet another very good reason why i’m glad i’m NOT a member of facebook… 😐

Germany’s Older Generations Take Up Graffiti – it was bound to happen eventually, but it just goes to add a layer of distinction between grafitti artists and taggers…

now i know, but it’s too late… 8(

R.I.P. Ivo Pešák

Ivo Pešák

i found this video a while ago, and couldn’t figure anything out about it other than the probability that it was czech and made in 1978… now i know that it is the Ivan Mládek Banjo band and that the dancing guy, whose name was Ivo Pešák, just died…

now that i actually know what it is, i found a whole bunch of videos of music by ivan… too bad i can’t understand what he’s singing about…

Jožin z bažin translates, approximately, as “Joey from the swamps”.

i torture myself in private

well, not exactly in private…

a few weeks ago – it was on a sunday – i made the mistake of scheduling two gigs on the same day. i realised it was a mistake, and yet…

i scheduled myself for two gigs in one day, two more times within the next month. one of those days was today. i scheduled busking at the phinney farmers’ market in the afternoon, and a fremont phil rehearsal in the evening. to make this self-torture even worse, i got up with moe and went out to worm and vaccinate 20 sheep before 11:00 this morning.

moe left this afternoon around 1:00 to go to another dog trial in the portland area. she took all the doggles with her this time, because i’ve had, and will be having so much to do over the next few days.

i just got home, it’s 11:30, i still need to feed the cats, i haven’t been home all day, and i was ready to go to bed about two hours ago. we’ve got an actual gig (but only one of them) tomorrow. i don’t think we’re going to busk at ballard on sunday, so i may take that day to make the counterweights i’ve been needing for my canopy…

not only that, but i’ve got another two-gigs-in-one-day coming up, where snake suspenderz is doing the pike place market buskers’ festival, at pike place, and the seattle symphony day of music, at beneroya hall, within three hours of each other… sure, beneroya hall is only a couple of blocks from pike place, but… GODDAMIT, it’s TWO gigs in one day… and as much as they’re really prestigious, and really cool, and what other band can say that they played in the pike place market and beneroya hall IN THE SAME DAY, i just know that it’s going to stretch my spoons to the limit… 😛

hybrid elephant rant

i’ve been getting A LOT of international orders over the past couple of weeks (i.e. 4, in the past two weeks). this is unusual for a couple of reasons: one is that i very rarely get four orders – period – in that amount of time, and the other is that it’s unheard of for me to get four international orders from different countries (germany, switzerland, great britain and france) in that short a period of time… it’s even more unheard of that i’ve also received orders from the netherlands and from russia(!) within the past month…

i’m guessing — maybe — a european blogger bought incense from me and then blogged about it, or something like that…

however, as much as i appreciate the business, the big problem with all of these international orders, at this point, is that i don’t have any reliable way of determining how much shipping is going to cost, because the orders are anywhere from less than half a pound (i.e. 2 or 3 boxes of incense) to several pounds, and the shipping rates, taxes and tarriffs, and so forth are different for every country that i send to, and the USPS makes figuring out what the shipping rates are as difficult as possible. i’ve found the USPS International Mail Manual, but every time i use that, the price they give me at the post office is different: anywhere from $15 lower to $25 higher depending on who waits on me… and the people at the post office don’t understand where i’m getting the prices i’m getting, and why i’m not getting “the real” prices online, despite the fact that i’ve given them the URL for the manual and had them look it up themselves a number of times.

and, the fact is, i know that it’s possible to set up international shipping with zones in OSCommerce, because Arbroath Fisheries uses OSC and they figured out my – international – shipping without a problem… 😐

and, once again, not that i don’t appreciate the opportunity to communicate with my customers, but i think it would be really nice if i didn’t have to communicate with them because of the fact that, indirectly, i didn’t get their order right and they are going to have to pay me more money before i send it out. 😐

oh, by the way…

today is janmaastami, the birthday of sri krishna… sort of like hindu christmas, but without the sleigh and the reindeer…

One must take care in choosing and following a ‘guru’. With many modern day gurus, you have to be very careful, for they try to become God, which they are not, not any more than you are. Media’s power helps anyone project an image, PR companies are ready to help throw an image of whatever you want to be. In US, we have seen great images projected during election, of godmen, consumer products etc. anything can be mad grand.

So watch out.

When the devotee is same as even kRiShNa, then how is a guru any superior? This is not disrespect to guru, but realization of your own true nature. A guru that doesn’t help you with that, or if you don’t do it yourselves – then the whole exercise is a farce.

A true guru never wants, attention or even your identity, or money. Yes, you may give a token of appreciation for guru’s daily needs, but that is nominal, not millions of dollars! No guru needs that much! Those are entrepreneurs, businessmen who need that much of money, running mega-business or schools, hospitals, social work and amassing tons of moolah on the way. A true guru only wants to help you be able to walk in the right direction with good stamina. He is not going to be with you forever, giving you a piggy back ride to heaven.
     — Practical Sanskrit

श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाये – happy janmaastami, people. 8)

another week closer to the eschaton…

Daily exercise ‘may prolong life’ – “every single hour of TV watched after the age of 25 shortened the viewer’s life expectancy by just under 22 minutes…”

Pasco couple fear losing home to foreclosure for paying mortgage too early – this is all kinds of wrong…

Obama bans war criminals, except our own – 😡

12-Year-Old Cracks Burglary Case Before Cops – what the fuck, cops clowns? 😡

Actress Roseanne Barr announces presidential bid – if ronald reagan could do it, roseanne is a shoe-in… i’d vote for her over the current crop of politicians who want the job… 8)

Michele Bachmann Is Not a Doctor – you can be arrested for misrepresenting your education with the intent to defraud, can’t you? apparently ms. bachmann doesn’t know this, in spite of her education…

12 days in jail over a faulty drug test – “She is what you call collateral damage in the drug war”… i would have started suspecting that something was wrong when the customs officials started testing used motor oil for illicit drugs… 😐

Marijuana May Ward Off Dementia: Cannabinoids Protect Brain From Aging Processes – but, of course, nobody will do anything with this information, because marijuana is a dangerous drug with no medicinal applications whatsoever… 😐

The perfect place for the perfect crime? – due to an archane and highly convoluted technicality, there is a fairly large section of yellowstone park where you can take drugs, have illicit sex, and even murder people, and the cops can’t do anything about it: hint, it involves at least one “mistake” made by congress in 1889 which nobody has bothered to fix…

list & random

fix my trombone slide: either do it myself, or call david cole. it’s GOT to be done, and the sooner the better.

clean pipes: i’ve got a dozen pipes that are totally clogged — again — and one of the reasons i set up my workshop was so that i would have a place to go and clean them out without having to move shit or clean up first…

finish entering new data into G.R.A.M.P.S.

Arbroath Fisheries probably has relatives working there, and even if they don’t, they use OSCommerce, so i bought some smoked fish from them.

moe has been gone since thursday at a sheep dog trial in oregon. she should be getting back at any moment. ah, yes… there she is. 8)

a poem from when i was a flagger in the early ’90s:

Girded in
The Tangerine Vest of Visibility
The Amber Helmet of Hardness

I bear, on my staff, the power of

and I command you to

i knew it!

i’ve got a whole pile of new genealogical information from my fourth cousin, twice removed (a guy named evan, who lives somewhere in canada) to rustle through, the upshot of which is that i now have traced my ancestors back to 1620 or thereabouts, and i have, actually, found the source of the name Dorward who were the “wardens of the door” (i.e. security guards) at Arbroath Abbey, in Arbroath, Fofarshire (Angus) county, Scotland…

as moe said… “woot!” 8)

this is why the world is going down-hill so quickly…

i was out doing some errands in auburn today, and, because of the fact that they had torn up my regular route – they were actually letting traffic through, one car at a time, and traffic had backed up for a mile and a half, when you could get exactly the same place by going a block out of your way, but nobody (else) had thought to do it – i went past a small, non-descript building that had a sign that really, REALLY confused me… i don’t know whether or not the people meant it to sound the way it does, but, despite the fact that i know what they were probably trying to say, it really doesn’t seem to convey the fact in any immediate way, and, in fact, most likely conveys entirely the opposite of what they were trying to say.


at first, i thought they might have meant “CHRIST COMMUNITY FREE CLINIC”, but then i realised that, without punctuation, either way, they were advertising the exact opposite of what they probably intended to advertise… they probably should have chosen entirely different wording, or a more obvious layout for their sign…

and the probability is very high that i am the only person to have noticed this…

i just thought i’d let you know…

i got 3 (yes, three) spam messages, with attachments, last night, from various addresses at nyc dot gov (which doesn’t mean a lot) with the consistent subject line “Uniform traffic ticket”. upon opening the messages (in a text reader, so that nothing tries to execute and take over my computer), i discovered that i have been charged with “NYS V AND T LAW” (which i assume is “New York State Vehicle and Transportation Law”) “SPEED OVER 55 ZONE”, on 07/05/2011 at 7:25 AM…

except that it neglects to tell me where, and because of the fact that i KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that i was NOT anywhere where the “NYS V AND T LAW” would be in effect, ESPECIALLY at that time of the morning, i have a reasonably good idea that this is actually a spam/virus/malware message that was intended to gain access to my computer via “social engineering”…


this is just to let anybody know – who might have the slightest idea that this is anything OTHER than a spam message… states may send out tickets for traffic offenses by email, but they’re OBVIOUSLY more legitimate than a message such as this… 😐

another week closer to the eschaton…

How Two Former Fox Reporters Found Out To Their Cost Just How Corrupt And Far Reaching Monsanto’s Reach Is – 😮

Wait… Did Herman Cain End The Debate With A Line From A Pokemon Movie? – maybe that’s what he means by “a poet”, but if so, he needs a little more education before running for assistant dog-catcher…

Christians Openly Advocate Killing Athiests on FOX News Facebook Page – this is why i refer to them as “christians”… they’re exactly the opposite of the jesus of the bible… they’re about as far from Christians as you can possibly get.

Email rendezvous entangles state Rep. Phillip Hinkle – another gay scandal perpetrated by one of those hypocritical, republican, anti-gay politicians… you’d think that, eventually, they would get the idea that if they hide it, that being a politician would eventually bring it out in a much more public and embarrassing way than it would if they just admitted that they were gay from the beginning… 😐

More educated tend to be more religious, by some measures – if you’ve got a bible on your bookshelf, you’re likely to be a “christian”. if you’ve got a torah on your bookshelf, you’re likely to be jewish. if you’ve got a qu’raan on your bookshelf, you’re likely to be muslim. if you’ve got a bhagavat gita on your bookshelf, you’re likely to be hindu. if you’ve got all four on your bookshelf, you’re likely to be an atheist… or more educated than most…

"Super Congress" Designed for One Purpose and Super Congress stacked with climate zombies – this is exactly why the whole idea of a “super” congress that makes decisions which are implimented with no disagreement or debate permitted is unconstitutional in the short run, and, if we don’t do something about it, is more than likely to destroy our country and planet in the not-too-much-longer run… 😡

Rick Perry Calls Social Security and Medicare "Ponzi Schemes" – it’s true this kind of wingnutty talk will endear him to the teabirchers, good luck winning the presidency calling america’s favorite social programs criminal conspiracies…

yesterday there were headlines about the military’s newly-announced capability to fly anywhere on the face of the earth inside of an hour. today, Pentagon loses hypersonic aircraft over Pacific Ocean and then More War Toys We Can’t Afford Don’t Work… Again…– oops… 😮 there were only two prototypes and now they’re not sure if there are going to be any more… oh well… only a million dollars out of our pockets that we’ll never see again…

French Farmer Advertises Against Advertising – “implementing the martial arts technique of ‘using the strength of the adversary to floor him.'”

How to kill the Gulf’s dead-zone zombie – it’s back… 😐


sort of…

i’ve got a really busy weekend coming up, and i’ve had a really busy week already… i didn’t do much today: work on the snake suspenderz business card, laundry and spod… but i deserve a day off, especially since yesterday i filled two incense orders, one of which got shipped to the netherlands, and it’s really difficult to tell whether a person whose native language is dutch is being serious or not when he says that he wants to pay twice as much for shipping as he does for the incense itself, which meant that yesterday was the end of about two weeks of email negotiations…

i’m not sure what to think of this…

we have a border collie, lucy, who is obsessed with things. when we first got her, she obsessed about the cats, who were not amused. then, when we got stanley, she obsessed about stanley and forgot about the cats. then we got mango and it was as though stanley never existed…

mango has started staying at monique’s work over night, to cut down on the amount of travelling he has to do – and he was intended to be the “clinic bird” anyway – but lucy still obsesses about where mango used to be…

it has been 8 days now, and she’s still obsessing about mango’s empty cage…lucy and not-mango
if it’s possible, she’s obsessing more since he’s been staying at work…😮

this is why i don’t subscribe to things like this…

despite my interest in geneaology, i usually don’t just arbitrarily subscribe to things like ancestry dot com and genealogy dot com. however, i have recently subscribed to both of them, because i finally got around to uploading a GEDCOM file of my research (8 generations). almost immediately they send me this message that says i have “hints” about some of the people in my family tree…

my sister, my father, and my grandfather.

i know about these people… i know more than i would like to know, and probably more than they would be comfortable knowing that i know… i know what the “hints” are, and i don’t care

what they didn’t tell me in the “potted meat product that isn’t quite SPAM” was that they also have “hints” for 65 other relatives who are far more removed than my grandfather… such as Otto Tobe Biver, my first cousin twice removed, and Sarah Davisson, my grand aunt of wife of great-great-great grand uncle, and Charles W. Hammond, my great-great-great-great-grandfather…


i realised, once again, why i don’t schedule more than one gig per day yesterday…

i’m beginning a couple weeks of relative busy-ness, and it started off with partying and not getting enough sleep saturday night, and continued abruptly yesterday, when i got up way too early and went to the ballard sunday market with snake suspenderz and busked for approximately 1½ hours before we were run off by a string quartet which was playing vivaldi and bach. while they were playing acceptably well, they set up 20 feet away from us and wouldn’t fess up when confronted with their rudeness… and then we discovered that it’s apparently a “new policy” that buskers have to get up and move every half an hour…

by the time we had played for half an hour or so with a classical accompaniment (which was really confusing, at best, and downright distracting most of the time) we decided to bag it, especially since i had to go to my second gig anyway, which was the ballard sedentary sousa band at the ballard locks… which was, fortunately, just down the street.

it was clear from the start that i wasn’t going to be able to play my best, because i had already been playing my best for an hour and a half at the previous gig, but this was on my trombone and that was on my tuba, and i figured that would account for something… but if it did, i probably wouldn’t have noticed anyway, because by the time we were done playing i was getting really tired… then the BSSB-at-the-locks concert was followed by the traditional beer-and-pizza-in-walter’s-back-yard, which got me home around 6:00 pm.

i actually tried to take a nap between 7:00 and 7:30 or so, but the doggie-alarm kept going off every time a twig snapped outside, until moe got home around 8:00. i finally went to bed at 9:30 and was asleep almost immediately.

i’ve got a ninja concert at the good shepherd center with the fremont philharmonic this evening, and a rehearsal with the sousa band on tuesday, wednesday i have a snake suspenderz rehearsal, and thursday is my “weekend” this week. then i’ve got a gig with snake suspenderz at chumleighland on friday… which has the distinct possibility of leaking over into saturday as well… and possibly another ninja performance with the fremont phil on saturday, then the ballard sunday market on the 14th, and on the 15th is the party that we were hired to do as a result of the sunday market…

and then there’s the “Garden Party” at krissy and chris’ on the 20th, which the fremont phil is probably not playing for in any official capacity, but we’re probably going to be there, and i’m going to bet that we’ll play a little. and then, next month, we’ve already got a two-gigs-in-one-day scheduled, on 18th september, when we’re scheduled for the pike place busker festival and the seattle symphony day of music at beneroya hall…

plus i got an incense order today, for the last of my old tulasi deepak stock, which, because, from what i’ve been able to find out, they don’t make it any longer is another incense that i have carried that nobody else carries…

another week closer to the eschaton…

just to make sure that everyone is still clear about this, here’s the current trajectory of politics and the american economy stripped down to its bare essentials:

2001-2008: republicans run economy into ditch.
2008: obama elected.
2009-2011: republicans respond by doing everything possible to prevent him from fixing things.
2012: republicans use lousy economy as campaign cudgel against Obama.
2012: republican candidate wins presidency (maybe).

sure, sure, obama deserves some blame for not being aggressive enough etc. etc., but that’s a nit. the basic story is the one above. it’s still kind of hard to believe.

One in seven Americans lives on food stamps – this is the response to those people who are upset that “half of the country doesn’t pay income tax”… 😐

The Coming Social Anarchy – this country may not get a real revolution – 8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance – but there’s a good chance that society will fail without a revolution, and either way, things are definitely not going to be the same after that.

Forget Compromise: The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional – i truly am a terrorist: i want the country to run the way it was intended to run, not the way the corrupt, greedy, political/industrial scammers who have taken over want it to run…

The Coup in Washington and Super Congress: the final nail in the coffin of representative democracy and freedom as we know it

When they took the fourth amendment,
    I was quiet because I didn’t deal drugs.
When they took the sixth amendment,
    I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the second amendment,
    I was quiet because I didn’t own a gun.
Now they’ve taken the first amendment,
    and I can say nothing about it.

Pat Buchanan refuses to apologize – “i said ‘your boy‘ not ‘your boy‘…”

12 Things Obama Forgot To Tell The Left – that about covers it, i think…

meanwhile, in the real world…

here’s the thing… The Piper Cub Offense is a piece i found on the web a few years ago, before 9/11. now, with the advent of wireless networking, they’ve taken it one step further: Researchers Show Off Wi-Fi Hacking Drone, so now they not only have the capability to do nasty things to the entire population of cities like new york, washington dc, and so forth, with model-sized airplanes that are, for all intents and purposes invisible to radar, but they also have the ability to intercept cell phone communications, interfere with internet, launch DOS attacks and other more nefarious activities from the same, model-sized, practically invisible aircraft… and the most profound thing i have noticed about this whole deal is that it is nowhere in the news… it’s as though the mainstream news sources just aren’t paying attention to something that, theoretically, could bring about an abrupt and unexpected end to what passes for society these days…

Shell Wins Tentative Approval for Offshore Arctic Drilling – we have met the enemy, and he is us.

The sustainable seafood myth – we have met the enemy, and he is us.

Greek Decriminalization of Drug Use – 😮

WA Man Refuses Marijuana Fines, Chooses Jail – 😮 this is local… just down the road from where i live… and i have heard NOTHING about this on the local news… 😮

Beware Parents: Fox News Thinks Spongebob Is Indoctrinating Your Kids To Be Tree Huggers. No, Seriously. and Google Search Easily Debunks Fox’s Claim Of Anti-Christian Media "Bias" – evidence conclusively proves that fox news really does make stuff up…

End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red – i wonder how long it will be before the “christianists” latch hold of this and use it as “proof” that “the bible is true”? 😐

at the same time, If a Married Lesbian Couple Saves 40 Teens from the Norway Massacre and No One Writes About it, Did it Really Happen? – good for them. i’m doing what i can to disseminate this story…

Mobile Biometrics to Hit US Streets and House Committee Approves Bill Mandating That Internet Companies Spy on Their Users – bit brother is watching you! (yes, i meant to type “bit” instead of “big”… at first, even i thought it was a typographical error, but the more i think about it, the more i think that i actually meant to type it that way, and just didn’t realise it.)

AT&T Data Plan Scareware: Beyond Our Comfort Level – if you blackmail someone, you most likely end up in jail. if you are AT&T, you may get T-Mobile and a monopoly… reach out and rob everyone…

Child Porn Ring Busted: Guess US Law Enforcement Doesn’t Need Data Retention Bill After All – “at no point in the coverage is there mention of law enforcement having difficulty doing their job.”

Copy Protection Does Not Mean More Sales – many people assume that by cutting out infringement that leads to them making more, but there’s more and more evidence that says that’s simply not true.

US court rules: Isolated human genes can be patented – if we’re not careful, we could, theoretically, reach a point in the not-too-distant future, where our bodies are owned by j.p. morgan chase and monsanto. especially with a body like his: Indian man has hysterectomy after doctors find uterus

Old age can kill, study warns – “We advise people to try and avoid entirely, or at least cut down, on birthdays…”

Idaho Falls police investigate man in bunny suit – why is this news? 😐


moe just got home. she took mango to work with her today, in a travel cage.

lucy (the dog) spends most of her free time – and a significant portion of time that she should be doing important things like eating – staring at mango. before mango got here, she stared at stanley. now she stares at mango. before stanly, she stared at the cats. it was actually kind of funny when she tried to herd them… she was almost successful, but that is another story. now she’s staring at mango, in his travel cage…

except mango moved to his perch when she was outside… nevertheless, for about 10 minutes, she was staring at an empty cage


unfortunately, something alerted her (perhaps mango chirped, or stanley said something) and she realised that she was off-target…

actually, i’m kinda disappointed. if she stared at an empty cage, we wouldn’t have to tell her to leave it all the time, and it’s almost getting to the point where that’s all we do… oh well…


“incense” is now among the top 25 search requests that resulted in a hit on my site…

which just goes to show: you don’t have to have sophisticated SEO that costs a premium fee every month, you just have to have consistent, reliable web presence, and a small but satisfied customer base! 8)


the night of saturday, 31 december, 1983 to sunday, 1 january, 1984 was one in which i had the late night shift at the college radio station, KUGS-FM 89.3. the show was called “The Radio Program That Doesn’t Exist” and, as “The Voice In The Night”, i played a mixture of offbeat album rock and extremely bizarre stuff like the shaggs and the passion and transfiguration of a post apocalyptic eunuch.

but this particular night i had something special in mind: the David Bowie classic, Diamond Dogs. and i timed it precisely so that the song 1984 started the moment the new year happened.

i don’t know if anybody else remembers this, but i was just listening to 1984 and i remembered this…

Someday they won’t let you, so now you must agree
The times they are a-telling, and the changing isn’t free
You’ve read it in the tea leaves, and the tracks are on TV
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984

They’ll split your pretty cranium, and fill it full of air
And tell that you’re eighty, but brother, you won’t care
You’ll be shooting up on anything, tomorrow’s never there
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984

Come see, come see, remember me

We played out an all night movie role
You said it would last, but I guess we enrolled
In 1984 (who could ask for more)
1984 (who could ask for mor-or-or-or-ore)

I’m looking for a vehicle, I’m looking for a ride
I’m looking for a party, I’m looking for a side
I’m looking for the treason that I knew in ’65
Beware the savage jaw
Of 1984

Come see, come see, remember me

We played out an all night movie role
You said it would last, but I guess we enrolled
In 1984 (who could ask for more)
1984 (who could ask for mor-or-or-or-ore)

1984, 1984, 1984, 1984, etc.


Half of European men share King Tut’s DNA – half of all european men, presumably, includes men of european descent, which includes me. the article says that tutankhamun belonged to paternal haplogroup R1b1a2, which, according to my (admittely very limited) research, doesn’t existhowever, paternal haplogroup R1b1b2a does exist, and i can see some anonymous reporter (it was actually alice baghdjian at reuters) making the switch without realising it…

AND since my paternal haplogroup is R1b1b2a1a2c, i am part of R1b1b2a that split off approximately 17,000 years ago.

tutankhamun lived between 1341 – 1323 BCE, or approximately 3300 years ago… what they’re trying to say is not that half of european men are related to tutankhamun, but that they share DNA with tutankhamun – a distinction that is actually in the title of the article.

in order to be related to tutankamun, he would have to be a common ancestor (i.e. the progenitor) of half of all european men… which, i get the very strong impression, is what most people reading the article will probably think, but is actually not the case… if it was, not-so-old king tut (he died when he was 18) must have been a randy and prolific little bugger.

the fact is that tutankhamun and half of all european men – and myself – have a common ancestor 17,000 years ago – approximately 13,500 years before tutankhamun’s birth.

it’s not the same thing as when they announced the discovery that all non-african people are part neanderthal. for that matter, i, half of all european men, and tutankamun, also share DNA with president john adams (paternal haplogroup R1b), approximately 30,000 years ago. at some point in the distant, prehistoric past, i share a common ancestor with john adams…

knowledge – it makes life boring.

another week closer to the eschaton…

before anything else, Oceans on brink of catastrophe – “marine life facing mass extinction ‘within one human generation'” it’s getting to the point where we might, actually, be better off encouraging mass extinction of every living thing on the planet and starting over, anyway…

word is that a deal to raise the debt-ceiling has been reached, so all of this may be for nothing, but i’m going to leave it in anyway, because i still blame the politicians for raising such a big stink about it… and despite the fact that a deal to raise the debt-ceiling has been reached, for the most part, the other stuff is still true anyway.

and besides, i’m too lazy to dig up new, non-related-to-the-debt-crisis links at 8:00 on a sunday evening… screw that.

Wall Street braces for US default – if this isn’t an indication that this country is ripe for a revolution, i don’t know what is… but in spite of everything, i think we’re not going to get a revolution, and we are going to default, and become a 3rd world has been within 50 years. Obama to Banks: We’re Not Defaulting – we’re already 99.75% of the way there. all that remains is for our “leaders” to pull the switch and send us all into oblivion. 😡

White House Now Conceals Plan to Cut Social Security – if there are cuts to medicare and SSI, people are gonna be pissed… but, i suppose the logic is that it’ll be the old, infirm and disabled people (in other words, the people who need it most) who will be pissed, and they’re not a threat to anyone. problem is, they’re also the people who have the least to lose by doing something the politicians might not like… 😐

True or False? Over 50% Do Not Pay Income Taxes – almost true… but people like me (infirm, disabled, senior citizens, etc.) make up a significant portion of those people…

Emergency Team Of 8th-Grade Civics Teachers Dispatched To Washington DC and Bachmann Says Unexplained Blackouts From Which She Wakes Up Covered In Blood Won’t Affect Ability To Lead – i’ll just put these here to see if anybody else notices…

The Political Theater and the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Are We Being Had? – “Whatever emerges from the debt ceiling impasse, it will not be in the interest of the American people.” 😮

The Cult That Is Destroying America and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) admits that he is an extortionist

Americans’ debt rage boils over – We’re not a bunch of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing Neanderthals

Construction projects halt and nearly 4,000 workers furloughed in partial FAA shutdown – are we having fun yet? you know it’s only going to get worse when the government defaults, right?

TSA Reminds Us All Who The Real Terrorists Are – “the TSA now believes it has the authority to prevent people in public places from talking to each other.”

Angelina County jury finds man guilty of evading arrest after being mistaken for burglar in his own home – the nazis cops couldn’t persecute prosecute this guy for being a burglar, so they had to settle for something else… and, apparently, they didn’t take into account the fact that the guy has “the mind of a child”… 😐

California Marijuana Legalization Initiative Approved for Petitioning and, at EXACTLY the same time, Marijuana eradication raids under way in the Mendocino National Forest – this has got to be costing taxpayer money that could easily be spent on more worthwhile endeavours… 😐

and this is the reason things aren’t going to change any time soon, whatever they decide: Obama Says Drug Users Must Be Treated as Criminals, Obama says he’s not willing to end the drug war and Denied: DEA refuses to reclassify marijuana, claims it’s as dangerous as heroin – “there are no studies to prove the medicinal value of marijuana, and that the plant is basically as unsafe as heroin.” 😡

Wal-Mart Goes Nuclear Over Chicken Necks; Newlyweds Lose House; Husband Deported – former wal-mart employee is now suing wal-mart for loss of income, loss of personal property, lost profits, lost time and imprisonment, libel and slander, mental anguish, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false arrest, malicious prosecution, slander, negligence and conversion… and, although wal-mart is undoubtedly guilty of all those things, and probably a host of other things that aren’t mentioned, they will probably not be made to pay for any of it, because the former wal-mart employee’s husband isn’t (yet) a legal citizen of the united states. 😐

Opposing Free Contraceptives? Does the Christian Right Want to Lower the Abortion Rate or Not? – no, the “christianists” want everybody to convert to their brand of “christianity” and then everybody will magically be able to resist the pleasures of sin… isn’t it obvious?

Paypal will stop purchases from sites music industry identifies as infringing copyright – there are distinct advantages to being assumed innocent until proven guilty, but they don’t matter, because somebody, somewhere is losing money.

School Teacher Could Take HADOPI to Court Over False Disconnection – there are distinct advantages to being assumed innocent until proven guilty, and this guy is learning all about them…

Man Photographing Grandson In Park Deemed Suspicious By Police And Media – “the man also said that he did not run away, but simply walked away from a woman who had gotten very close to him and was yelling at him.”

Amazon cloud hosts nasty banking trojan – yet another in a host of reasons why it might be a good idea to resist cloud computing…

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet – 😮

It’s official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers – 100,000 test subjects can’t be wrong…

Stop Hoping! Start Changing! – We can smash Pandora’s box and the hope that lives there in a day. But save the wood, as we are going to need to build something new.